Chapter 8: Concerns of Motherhood

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Thalia's P.O.V.

((Sorry for any inaccuracies, I really don't know how the adoption process works. ~EDG))

I watch the boys head off to start the day, and I can't help but worry about Nico. I know it's hard at new schools, and before he'd had his sister. Now he was there alone and with no one to watch his back. He'd grown up in a different era and I worry that it might disadvantage him in the long run. Sitting down at the table I read over the papers Percy had filled out and correct minor errors. Resealing them in the envelope I go clean up before using my day off to head to the Courthouse.

Pulling on black ripped jeans, combat boots, and one of Percy's old band T's I'd raided I grab my jacket and the envelope before going out the door and locking it behind me. This was important and I was genuinely afraid that Percy and I's age would cause us to not be able to get Nico. We were doing everything we could and didn't want him ending up with people who wouldn't understand him. At the same time, he needed to be around living people instead of living in the underworld.

Climbing the stairs to the courthouse I hold all the documents necessary, the forged copy of Nico's birth certificate we needed to get him into school, his Social Security Card, the application, and everything else we could possibly need. As I approach the Clerks desk, I get a bit nervous, this is strange since I'd literally faced monsters. Still, this was my baby cousin's future in the balance. Setting the large manila envelope of documents and the bank envelope of money to file on the desk I look at the person anxiously.

What seems like an eternity later I leave the courthouse with the papers filed, now they just needed to be accepted to make Nico legally ours. If push came to shove, I would use the mist to convince them, but I wanted this to be done right. To be a good example for my son. Changing directions, I head to the grocery store to pick up a couple things for dinner. Checking my watch, I notice it's already going on noon and it feels like the days blurring by. I make quick work of the shopping and head back to the apartment feeling like I'm being followed. Glancing behind me, I don't see anything. Still, I keep my guard up the whole way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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