Chapter 3: The First Day of School

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Nico's P.O.V.

It had been almost two weeks since I'd started living with Percy and Thalia and I was surprised by how normal it seemed to feel. I was slowly getting more comfortable with the new dynamic forming between the three of us. My cousins seemed to take it upon themselves to fill the parental rolls left by Hades and my late mother, though as each day passed, I've also noticed how the pairs faith in their parents faded just a little bit more. Going to the table I found breakfast waiting and a note from Thalia wishing me a good day at school and lunch. My eyes are drawn to some paperwork sitting on the kitchen table that had clearly been meant to be put away.

Ignoring the papers, I sit starting to eat the pancakes my cousin had made, but my gaze kept wandering to the documents and I can't help moving stuff out of the way to read the top. I feel eyes grow wide as I scan and rescan the words before looking to the door where Percy is walking in dressed in slacks and a button down ready for one of three jobs he was working to pay the bills, since he was insistent that Thalia not have to stress about an income and even more insistent that I go to school. "Percy?" I say, since it was clear he wasn't really awake. I'd seen people in the underworld with more life then he had right now. "Hmm?" he hums out pouring coffee and I wait for him to drink some before proceeding "Perce...are you and Thal's really trying to adopt me?" I ask in surprise. I regret asking when he looks ready to choke on his coffee "How did you..." I can tell he saw the paper I was holding when he trailed off. "Shit, I forgot to put those away last night. Yeah though Neeks, yeah. Thal's and I are really gonna try and get custody of you. Ya don't have to call us mom or dad or anything like that. We just wanted to make sure you have a place to go other than camp if anything happens."

I stayed quiet for a bit as I eat after that, not really knowing what to say. It surprised me, really, how much Percy was willing to do for me after everything I'd put him through since our first meeting. He had a point though. If I'd lived normally, I knew I'd be an old man by now. I hadn't though. As much as I hated it, I was still a little kid with no family left except a death god dad no one trusted, and his reputation made sure no one trusted me. Percy and Thalia really were all I had, and in the last few weeks they'd really acted like parents to me, strange as it was. "Ok." I whisper, and Percy looks at me not sure he'd heard right. "Ok." I say louder. "You and Thalia can adopt me, if you really want too." It surprised me, seeing Percy really smile for the first time I remember in what seemed like forever.

After eating a bit more I grab my lunchbox and backpack, both black and courtesy of Thalia, I laugh as Percy insists on walking me to the nearby public school, they'd enrolled me in before heading to the museum that Percy had gotten a receptionist job. Thalia was working as a cashier at a weapons store further in the city. As I go to homeroom, I look around almost afraid to see another demigod since I wasn't exactly the most regular camp attender, and no one seemed all that fond of me when I was there. It seemed like the cost was clear as I stop at my locker half way to my location turning to combination to put my stuff inside when I hear a familiar voice talking a bit away from me. Peeking past my door I see the distinct features of a typical Apollo kid that was a year older than me if I remembered right. 'Luckily I won't be taking any classes he would be interested in,' I think to myself before going to get my schedule and head to class.

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