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Karlie P.O.V

Carlos's house was fun but now it's time to face Kendall.... It's almost ten at night and he's been calling me constently since eight. I refused to answer because I knew he'd scream at me to get home, which I can't do since I crashed his car. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car, Logan gives me a rensuring look. I take a deep breath and we walk to the front door. I turn the knob and open the door Kendall standing there pissed. 

Kendall:"Where the fuck have you been!?! Do you know it's ten o'clock at night!?!"

I just stand there not able to speak.

Kendall:"Why the hell is Logan with you!?! And where's my car!?!"

My heart begins to race and my panicing begins.

Logan:"She was driving and...."

Before he can even finish his thought, Kendall starts back up. 

Kendall:"Karlie, I swear to god if he tells me you crashed my car I'm going to fucking kill you!!"

We don't say anything. One thing about Kendall is as mad as he gets at me he never says he's going to kill me. At this point I'm scaried to even move or speak. 

Kendall:"Answer me!!"

Logan:"She totalled you're car......"

He shakes his head and lunges toward me. Luckly Logan was there to hold him back while I run for shelter. 

Kendall:"You fucking brat!! You're gonna fucking buy me a new one!! I don't care how long it takes, you're going to give me every single dime back for it!!"

I nod my head fast as tears form in the corners of my eyes. 

Kendall:"And I'm taking you're car until then making you carless!! I swear to god, you ever take my car again without my permission I will fucking beat the shit of you!! Do you understand!?!?"

I nod once again and let the tears fall. 

Kendall:"Until then you're not aloud to contact or live here!! Give me MY house keys, MY car keys, and anything else I pay for!!" 

I rummage through my back and give him everything. Leaving me with only a stick of gum and hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works. 

Kendall:"Now leave!!"

I run out the door and run as far as I can. I reach a park and stop to catch my breath, I sream on the top of my lungs and cry. Where do I go!? What do I do!? I collaspes onto the ground and cry my self to sleep. 


I wake up on a huge white fluffy bed with the sun shining down on me. I sit up and look around to find myself in somone's bedroom. Didn't I fall a sleep in the park last night!?!  Suddenly the door opens and a guy walks in smiling. 

Guy:"I'm Francall, I found you passed out in the park earlier this morning so I decided to bring you back here. I hope that was okay with you."

I nod. 

Karlie:"I'm Karlie...."

He puts his hand out and I shake it. 

Francall:"If you don't mind me asking you but why were you sleeping in the middle of the park?"

Karlie:"My brother through me out, I guess he wasn't to fond of me crashing his BMW."


Karlie:"Yeah, he said I can't live or contact him until I get the money so I guess I'm on my own..."

Francall:"Aren't you like 17 though?"

Karlie:"Yep but he doesn't care."

Francall:"What about you're parents?"

Karlie:"They moved to Kansas about six months ago and left me with my brother."

Francall:"Oh I see.. Well then, would you like to stay with me? I know have no clue how I am but I promise I won't hurt you. I'm nineteen by the way and I live my roomate so it wouldn't just be the two of us."

I think about it for minutes and decide on what I'm going to do.

Karlie:"I think I'll stay with you and you're roomate."

Francall:"Nice decsion because I wouldn't like to see a gorgous girl like you out all on her own."

I look down and slightly blush. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and lifts my chin. 

Francall:"You're safe now..."

With that he leans in and kisses me softly. As we break apart we both smile, widely. Wow, he's a stud and one amazing kisser I think I can get used to living here! 

Kendall P.O.V 

I'm such an asshole! Why did I kick her out!? Why did I scream at her like that!? I know I was mad but why did I have to act like that!?! I've been driving around town all night and I've yet to find her! What am I suppose to tell my parents!? I pull over to the side of the road and take out my phone. 



I begin to get choked up. 

Mom:"Sweetheart, what's wrong!?"

Kendall:"Last night I got really mad at Karlie and I kicked her out.... I've been looking for ever since but I've yet to find her..."

I break out into a pool of tears.

Mom:"Kendall Francis, what do you mean you kicked her out and can't find her!?!"

Kendall:"She totalled my car and I must of lost my temper.... I looked everywhere and she's no where to be seen..... What do I do!?"

She begins to breakdown.

Mom:"Please don't tell me this...."

Without warning my dad gets on the phone, all pissed. 

Dad:"I'll deal with you when I get there! Right now, I need you to call the police and tell them everything that happened. You're mother and I will be there on the next flight out. Call me if you find her or hear anything."

Kendall:"Will do..."

With that we both hang up and I dial 911. Oh Karlie where are you!? 

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