But even as I was falling, the strangest thought occurred to me.

I didn't believe we would hit the ground or die. I guess that was my conscious was trying to deny the fact that we were almost a thousand meters off of the ground and falling pretty fast.

But the thought wasn't having it, I somehow knew that Naomi and I wouldn't die like it was a fact.

But that's not right, physics prevents that...

If I wasn't the one falling to my death, I'd laugh at the guy for thinking such things at a time like this.

In my thoughts, I hadn't realized how close Naomi had flown next to me - or the fact that I had grabbed her and positioned her in my arms bridal-style.

Finally coming back to my senses, her form was light in my arms; even though I was still falling on my stomach, her underneath me. I had almost lost my grip on her in the sudden contact.

The ground was pulling up fast, loads of trees the ocean was too far away to fall in (not that it would hurt any less). My mind was turning hazy by the rushing oxygen missing my lunges. But in my crises, another odd thought absorbed my mind.


Fly? Like the bug?

A rush of warm air swept through my hair and around my clothes; a strong scent of cinnamon enveloped me, an intoxicating smell I couldn't get enough of. Was this what death smelled like?


The ground was close- yet too far to have second thoughts, was closing my eyes the best option? Just like Naomi, sleeping peacefully until the end.


The howling of the wind suddenly and jerkingly died down, a small kiss-like breeze gently brushed my hair. I wanted to open my eyes, but I was afraid of what death may look like. But It was so gentle, could I be in Heaven?

But a weight in my arms suddenly jolted me out of peace, my eyes snapped open to see Naomi quickly sliding out off my hands. Her weight seemed to increase in tons.

Scrambling her back into a fixed position in my arms again with all the strength I could muster, my mind faded from all reason. I was somehow upright, like standing on air... A sound of birds wings echoed in the sky. I glanced above me.

I gave a silent sorry to Naomi as I almost dropped her again. A gasp of pure shock resonated from my lips as I stared amazed in wonder at the beautiful wings right above me. Like a hawks and bald eagles combined to create a huge wingspan. I've read so many books on them, so fascinating to see them up close!

...But... where was the bird?

My fascination quickly left just as it had arrived, and dread swept through me. W-where's the bird? I turned to look over my shoulder only to see the wings stop where the ribs were both located (if my ribs were on my back that is). I couldn't see any type of bird attached to my back, only a pair of brown wings about 12 feet across in length.

Feeling my stomach squeeze and tighten, I prayed suddenly that I didn't throw up on Naomi. Apparently, I was lucky since the ground was much closer now, only a few meters now to the top of the trees. I could barely see a hidden gravel path before the wings suddenly folded back and dropped me and Naomi onto the mossed ground.

"Aaah!" We rolled away from each other and skid across the grass. Sitting up quickly but shakingly, I shuffled over to an unsuspecting bush and threw up the contents in my stomach. A violent shake racking up my spine at the near death experience and insanity I felt at the moment. Spitting out the last of the bile, I cast a glance over to the still unconscious Naomi, she was lucky she didn't go through that.

I crawled over to her and checked her pulse. Sighing heavily, I laid my forehead gently on hers in relief. She was okay.

Sitting up, I wrapped my arms around my knees and stared blankly down at the ground.

Why were we falling? - maybe we jumped out of an airplane?

Then where's the parachute? Maybe we couldn't put on one fast enough?

Why were we unconscious? Knocked out by sheer shock?

Why can't I hear a plane though? ...The air must have messed with your hearing...

These answers were useless.

Where were we? My back bristled with shivers, small pops in my back making me squint my eyes in a wince.

I glance at Naomi's back. No feathered appendages there. I place my hands on my face and just sit, as still as I could, replaying information over and over.

I inhaled deeply, breathing multiple times to calm myself down. If this place was real and I'm not dreaming, then I'd better find someplace to sleep, and get food... A-a town maybe? Didn't I see a path earlier while we were... I shake my head and wipe the water from my eyes while I sat up. G-gravel... I think it was...

Before I stood up, my eyes glanced over to Naomi, a deflated look crossed my face. Should I wake her up? I can try, but she was always the heavy sleeper, and if she can sleep through... that, then I don't think she's going to at my call.

'But I could really use someone to talk to right now' my mind couldn't help but add in that.

Deciding to place her on my back, my actions were forcefully stopped and pain sprinted up my spine. I accidentally dropped Naomi and held my arms, bending over and gasping. What was that? Turning behind me, my eyes found the obvious answer. Hazel irises glazed over and I sat there staring at the feathers - they were connected to me? I snapped back to reality after a bit and looked away. R-right, carrying Naomi...

Not acknowledging the extra limbs another time, I lifted up Naomi between them with a grunt. Grabbing her legs and wrapping her arms around my neck and stared in silent shock as the feathers wrapped around her, lifting her up and taking away her weight. I stared at them silently and looked away. I took the first step towards where I last saw the gravel road. My eyes rose up and took notice of the sun over the trees overhead.

My mind could only process the simple question. The one question I could only ask right now that wouldn't hurt me.

Where were we?

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· |𝕍| ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

That's the end I'm afraid. I split the chapter, so if you read this previously to editing- don't freak out, it's not your device, just an edit.

This is the updated version :) So I think it's more reasonable and understanding than last time.




and add to your library cuz the next chapter will be on your way :D

i just want to be happy | NARUTO |Where stories live. Discover now