Charter 6

18 3 1

You were doomed. Life would never be the same, and peace would never be known to you again... unless you find the exit.

Most of the lights had been cut, leaving every display room in darkness as they were night after night. They were no longer lively and inviting as they had been during the day, bustling with customers who snickered about the Swedish dialect. You loved this place. It always held a special place in your heart, but tonight was different. Tonight, you feared your life was on the line.

Because so few lights were illuminating the ominous halls, you were now wondering, completely lost, in a closed IKEA. Legend spoke of terrible things that scarred those who were left dawdling in the empty IKEA halls, spoke of unspeakable horrors that fell upon innocent shoulders, and ripped at the very core of any who might accidently commit such a heinous crime.

You hesitated before turning every corner, stopped dead in your tracks to investigate any misplaced noises, and held yourself nervously every minute you stayed here. The sound of footsteps only tipped you off your edge even more. They were quick and heavy.

The echo in the halls were quiet, but so was the entire building, so you heard nearly everything, even your own heartbeat. What was to become of you?

The footsteps were much more rapid now, and it sent you flying from one hiding spot to another. You needed to protect yourself, but you didn't know how. Where was the darn exit when you needed it?

A a soft song was now tickling your ears with it's musical fingertips. This caused every hair on your body to stand as you searched every room you hid in. It sounded as though a very low and gentle voice was humming along to something you'd hear in a coffee shop, or in this case, an IKEA. The unease that had built in your stomach quickly dropped at the sound of the song and the rapid footsteps. Was there a point to hiding? It seemed like he would find you no matter what.

Of course, that made sense, he was the guardian of this store and its sister buildings, which made the situation all the more intense. He probably knew every nook and cranny of this place like the back of his hand. If he does find you, would he turn you into Swedish meatballs and serve them the next day? You shook your head to chase the thought away and sprint down the hallway. There seemed to be more light that brightened your path. Maybe this was the way out?

But you have never been more wrong. There, at the end of the hallway, stood a large man dressed in a neat, blue coat. The tail almost seemed to flow dramatically behind him once you stopped, and an unappeasable amount of dread drowned your mind completely, and you were left a quivering mess.

The two of you stood in silence for what felt like years to come, but the man soon moved towards you, and jogged your mind from distraction. You bolted in the opposite direction, reaching for anything that might keep you protected from his grasp if he were to come close. You ended up with a hourglass in hand and a lack of breath as you came closer to the displays you had previously left behind. You jumped into a closet, listened for his footsteps, and skedaddled when you thought it was safe.

Again, you made a mistake and slammed the closet door shut much too loudly, and your pursuer was now just inches behind you. You could feel his intense presence, and turned to throw the hourglass that you had handy, but he gripped your wrist before any damage could be done. He gently took the weapon from your hand and set it on a nearby nightstand. The intensity in his eyes betrayed the way he was treating you.

Before you screamed or acted out of fear, he picked you up and held you so tightly, you could no longer move. Tears began to drain down your cheeks as you continued to try and deny the fate that was to fall upon you. Sweden was going to turn you into meatballs, and all because you couldn't find the exit in time.

He didn't say a word, or hum a single note the entire time you cried in his arms. He seemed so angry. Was this really the way your life would end?

He dropped you to the floor, and you finally opened your eyes again, only to be blinded by the brightness of the sun. How was it still light out? What time did this place close?

But nothing mattered at this point, because he had set you free when you thought your life was over. You glanced at the tall man one last apologetic and grateful time before clambering to your feet and running away. He stared as you escaped, and released a gentle sigh before returning to his store. He just wanted to go home and see his wife, was that too much for a man to ask for?

I Shot Italyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें