After: Chapter 5- Too Early To Celebrate Yet

Start from the beginning

“I….” Pete paused. Should I lie or tell the truth? “….don‘t know. I mean, I’m happy William is dead, yeah, but I just feel….” His voice trailed off.

“Feel like what?” Joe asked.

Pete sighed. “I can’t explain it. I just feel like now I’m worthless, like I’ve got nothing left to do now.”

“Please tell me this isn’t going to be one of those things where you have a life mission, and once it’s over, you refuse to move on with your life.”

“What ‘life’? I’m dead.”

Joe rolled his eyes.

For a few moments, neither of them knew what to say and there was silence between them both, the only noise was the inaudible convosation from Andy and Patrick in the other room. Pete looked down at his feet, not wanting to look at Joe; he might not have wanted to push Joe away as he might have wanted to before, but he still didn’t want comforting or any type of reassurance from any of them. Doesn’t anyone around here understand the terms ‘piss off’?

After a while, Joe awkwardly broke the silence between them. “So…” he paused. “What are you doing to do?” He finished lamely.

Pete really wasn’t sure of the answer. “I honestly don’t know.”

“I mean, you’re a vampire, right?” Joe said, although Pete wish he wouldn’t bring the whole ‘vampire’ thing up. “You’re immortal. You have lots of time to do what you want.”

“And that’s supposed to help me, how?” Pete said, an edge of annoyance in his voice. Are you fucking serious?

Pete heard Joe mumble something under his breath which he made out to be ‘Fuck sake’. Pete slid his hands down his face and sighed, before Joe let out a heavy sigh in exasperation, throwing his arms wide and jumping up off the bed hastily as if he had been pushed up off it. He was now standing directly in front of Pete.

“Okay, look,” Joe exclaimed. “I’m shit at giving advice. Seriously, if you need advice, go to Patrick or Andy. Never go to me for advice. Ever. Or for reassurance, or anything like that.” He paused to catch a breath. “But, trust me on this, just because William is dead, doesn’t mean your, um, life is over. Yes, you’re a vampire, but that doesn’t mean you have to be like a normal vampire would. You can live as normal as you possibly can, with us. And maybe you’ll find something else you want to do with your life.”

With us’. Somehow, Joe’s words, although they may not be the best, had made Pete feel a little bit better, and it was if some part inside of him had returned that had be gone since he became a vampire. He believed what Joe had just said. He hoped. It may be false hope.
But I still have to have some hope.

Pete looked up towards Joe, who face seemed to say ‘please tell me that worked’. Pete almost felt like smiling, but didn’t, and kept his mouth closed. This doesn’t make things a whole of a lot better, but it might be a start. Instead, he just gave a small indication of a nod towards Joe.

Joe registered the nod and gave a small sigh of relief. “Okay, good. Now,” He reached down and grabbed hold of Pete’s arm and began pulling him off the bed, “you are coming to celebrate with us.” He said the last part with a large smile on his face.

Pete groaned, but didn’t resist, even though he could easily wanted to, and let himself be pulled off the bed by Joe. “Seriously, does anyone around here not know when to fuck off?”

Joe gave a small burst of laughter. “Nope.”

This time, it was Pete who rolled his eyes.

As much as he wanted to go sit back down on the bed and be alone, he allowed Joe to pull him forward towards the door and out of it. Don’t be a dickhead and just go with it. He told himself in his mind. His feet moved forward, shuffling against the floor to keep up with Joe and avoid being pulled to far. Joe energetically kept a strong grip on Pete’s arm, although had to use both arms due to Pete’s incredible strength, and continued to drag Pete out of the bedroom and into the main building of the warehouse.

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