lets get wild

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A few weeks had passed since Hermione and Alice had made up and became best friends again but Hermione was always busy with work and didn't have much time to spend with Alice. She was really frustrated at times and Hal was a big part of the problem.  Pshh who was she kidding, he was the problem.

"HAL, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PICK UP YOUR GODDAMN SOCKS OFF THE FLOOR!" Alice screamed down the stairs while carrying a white laundry basket, kneeling down to pick up random socks from the floor.

"SORRY BABY!, I WILL NEXT TIME!" He shouted back, yawning while sitting on the couch scratching his stomach, and picking stuff out of his teeth. Alice cringed, she hated when he called her baby.

Hal had been an unrelenting pain in Alice's ass these past few weeks. Ever since he had hired a couple of reporters to work at the register ,The town's newspaper which the coopers owned, so he could have more "family time", he had just been home way too much and it was driving Alice insane.

The only reason he felt the need to delegate his duties was because 2 weeks ago hal had finally asked his "Big question", which was for him and Alice to renew their vows, however Alice had decided against it. Sure he was a bit hurt but he thought if he spent more time at home she would eventually give in and change her mind. But Alice wasn't giving in, she wanted him to go back to work so she could have some alone time. She really wished  Hermione would call. The Latina always managed to put her in good spirits, ever since high school. She always knew the right thing to say or do.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door.


Alice didn't answer it because she was in the basement loading clothes into the washer. When she came up she heard another knock.


She walked up the stairs angrily. Annoyed because Hal could have got up off his ass and answer the door, but he was of course laid out on the sofa, passed out with his hand in his pants. She shivered in disgust and ran to open the door.

A tall brunette with sparkles in her eyes stood before her in a loose fitting black pants suit. The blazer barely covering her breasts that were partially exposed because she had no shirt underneath.

"Mione!" Alice screeched as she leaned in to hug the brunette. Smelling her hair in the process. It always managed to smell like fresh coconut. She was so happy to see Hermione, she needed a distraction.

"Hey baby, I missed you. Sorry I haven't called or anything. I've just been so busy with work and all. You know." Hermione said rolling her eyes and sighing. "Is you know who here?" She whispered, while looking around.

"Yea, he is but he is asleep on the couch, don't worry about him. Come in." The blonde gestured.

They both scurried upstairs into the guest bedroom.

"So what you been up to blondie? You know, besides missing me." the brunette smirked glancing at herself in the mirror.

Alice's cheek turned bright red with embarrassment. Only Hermione Apollonia lodge could make her blush so deeply and she hated it. Pshh who was she kidding she loved it. And she loved her. But she quickly jumped out of her thoughts and answered the question.

"Nothing much, just being the perfect mom and wife." Alice smiled. She wouldn't dare tell her about how much of a sack of shit Hal had been the past couple weeks.

"I have an idea let's go out tonight, you look like you could use a break from your "perfect housewife" duties" the brunette mocked, turning towards the blonde. "And I finally have some time off of work."

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