Chapter 4 - One Boring Recess

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Chapter 4 - One Boring Recess

Well, after Ms. Anita teaches us Science, and Ms. Cindy teaches us, um, Math, we started to have recess. Which is only 30 minutes. After forcing myself to listen to the lesson (because I'm bored to do so), Nick suddenly stood up and went outside the classroom. But before he did, he said something to me.

"Hey couz, just wait here. I'm just gonna talk to my friends, okay?"

"You mean your group who are gay? Okay, but be sure to come back. I really want to go to the canteen," I said. A while ago, my stomach was grumbling. Probably because I didn't eat breakfast to well this morning. Then Nick rolled his eyes.

"They're not gay. Neither do I. Anyway... Hey Julia!" he said. Julia looked up from her yellow-colored book and turned red as a potato... I mean tomato.

"W-w-what?" she said nervously. There we go again.

"Introduce Louise the basic information of our batch. But don't leave. Help me introduce Louise to the canteen. Is that okay for you?" he said. And about his expression when he said it... poker face.

"Y-y-yeah, that's okay for me..." she stammered. Then went back reading. Then Nick scrambled out of the classroom.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look who's blushing like the color of a tomato,"

"I'm not blushing. I'm just... practicing how to... I mean, I'm just blushing because of the events here in this book," she closed her book and looked at me in the eyes.

"Dude, don't look me in the eyes. Look me in the face. Now introduce me to our batch,"

Long silence between the two of us (which is awkward) for 20 seconds.

"Look, I already introduced you all. Didn't you remember a while ago?"

Oh, I remember. During science time, we have a grouping. Julia's in group 1 and Nick and I are in group 2. Since our group is beside each other, we talked about our batch.

"Sorry. Mind gap. So tell me why do y---" and I'm interrupted by a group of boys who came in our classroom.

The girls in our classroom gasped (except me of course). I can feel their aura in our class. A popular and cool one.

"T-the group of Nick," Julia pointed to the group.

"You mean the gays?" I joked.

"Shut up. They're not gays. Look closer," she said. Still staring at the group.

I searched for my green glasses in my bag. I found it and wore it. I'm nearsighted because.

Woah. They're not gays. They ARE boys.

They came closer to us. Ehem, let me explain their appearance.

There are 5 of them including Nick. He's on the right side. On the left side was a guy with glasses. Probably the kind of guy you see in anime. He has blond spiky hair. At the side of Nick was a dude with mixed blonde and brown hair. And he's reading a book while walking. On the side of the guy with glasses is a boy with brown hair. Darker than Nick's. And on the middle oh... the leader. He has black hair covering his eyebrows (imagining them anime style).

They finally arrived at the front of my seat.

"Yoohoo. Louise are you still there?" Nick said while smiling so wide.

"Nick, is this your cousin. She looks a little like you," said the guy with glasses.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I said angrily as I immediately stood up.

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