2. He's Icy

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I woke up early as usual and did my normal morning routine for school. It's been only a day and feel bored already living alone. I'm used to a lively home as we are six in our family back in jeju island including my mom and dad. My parents gave birth to three boys then me, who is the last born.

I always tell my older brothers that I can't wait to go to college so that I can live alone far away from them. But now that I actually live alone, I realised it's no fun.

I locked my apartment and turned around only to see Minho locking his apartment also.

I remembered yesterday's incident and thought about whether to say hi or just pretend like I didn't see him. Before I could finish my little debate he turned and our eyes locked for a moment.

He quickly diverted his eyes and walked away without even saying hi, to me, his neighbour.

My jaw dropped at his sudden action but I brushed it off and ran to caught up to him.

"Hey you're going to classes right? " I said as I walked beside him.

"Yeah" he said quietly.

"You major in Music right? Well so do I, and I'm guessing you're also a freshman since well you know jisung is your friend and he's a freshman, hey! All or most of our classes will be together right? I think we'll be good friends " I said.

"Yeah, sure,whatever " he said coldly.

Oookay maybe he's not the talkative type.

I decided to just quietly follow him to campus. We walked silently but the silence was killing me so I tried to start a conversation.

"Ahh the whether is nice today isn't it? " I said


"I just move to Seoul recently and it is a really nice place"


"Hey why weren't you in school yesterday jisung kept blabbering how lonely he felt without you there"

Awkward Silence

We have reached the campus already and we're now in the hallway.

"We can sit together in class jisung must be there already "

He stopped on his tracks and sighed loudly. Did he just rolled his eyes?

"Look Ariana, do you like me? " he said looking at me dead in the eyes.

I don't know which one should be more offensive, him calling my name wrongly or saying that I like him. What made me more angry was the fact that I find him attractive saying that.

Bai Areum, what the heck?

He continued "Let me make things clear for you, I have no interest in you whatsoever as you are definitely not my type, so it will be nice of you if you just mind your business and leave me the hell alone! "

He entered the class leaving me speechless. How rude of him to assume that I like him. I must admit I find him attractive but I did not approach him with ill intentions. I just want to be friends and since we live accross each other I thought it will be perfect to be friends going to school together and all. Jisung had no problem becoming friends with me as we already exchanged numbers yesterday, so what's this guy's problem?

I entered the class looking gloomy searching for a perfect place to sit so no one recognise me (like they even notice me in the first place). I noticed a perfect spot to be invisible but there's one problem.

Beside is Minho

Be positive Areum, he's not mean he's just shy. Yeah let's go with that.

Should I give up on trying to befriend him? But really can I give up?

I walked up and sat beside him. Woah Areum you really got some guts.

I heard him sigh beside me but I decided to ignore him and brought my phone out scrolling through my Instagram feed. I saw a new follow request from jisung, I accepted and followed him back. My account is private because I can't deal with cyber bullies. I only let people I know and trust personally have access to my posts.

I scrolled through Jisungs's account liking his posts. I noticed most of his posts are with Minho, they must be really close. Minho looked so different in the posts though, he looked soo... Happy and lively unlike the person beside me who looks like he's so done with the world.


Beside me

I quickly looked beside me only to see Minho starring directly at my phone.

Oh God he must think I'm a stalker now

"I swear I wasn't stalking you, you see jisung followed me and I just wanted to see what his posts look like that's why I checked his account and you see-"

"Hey guys what's up" Jisung popped out of nowhere. They did a wierd handshake with Minho and the sat by my other side making me trapped In between them.

"Hey Jisung " I said trying to distract myself from what Minho just experienced earlier.

Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of him...

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