I'm Fine

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After a couple classes it was time for lunch. Finally. During the last class my stomach was growling so much the kid next to me actually asked if I was alright. And we've never spoken before.

So yeah, not doing so hot.

But it was lunchtime now, and I could feel my belly doing backflips in joy, though the rest of me was shaking and sweaty, almost nauseous. But it's fine, it's lunchtime, I can get food now, I'm fine.

Someone said that it was mac n cheese day. Though everyone already knew that because we could smell it from our classrooms. School lunches kinda suck but mac n cheese was definitely the least awful of the options, often actually tasting pretty good. The cheese was creamy and stringy, and the pasta had a nice bite to it, and everything was just a little bit too salty but no one cared much about that. Or at least I didn't, and I didn't pay attention to anyone who did. I was mainly focused on getting to lunch so my belly would quit bothering me. It was really starting to hurt now.

However, as I made my way down to the cafeteria, my Spidey Sense pinged, and I was suddenly jerked back by the handle of my backpack.

You have got to be kidding me.

"What's up Penis Parker?" Flash's voice said way too loudly in my ear.

"Just trying to get to lunch, Flash," I said dully. I thought maybe he'd let me go this one time. He seems to attack me randomly, there's no pattern to when he feels like beating me up, so there's no way I can avoid it. This is bullshit.

Flash whipped me around to face him, and then pushed me so my backpack slammed into lockers. My books dug painfully into my back as he leaned his arms on my chest.

"Give me your money, Penis."

"I don't have any," I lied. But Flash twisted me around again and shoved my face into the locker, searching my pockets and eventually finding the money I'd put in there this morning. I usually shove it deep in my backpack, right next to my mask, so he can't find it, but I forgot to do it this morning. Man I'm forgetting a lot of things today.

"Thanks Penis Parker, you're a real superhero."

Flash left, and I turned to watch him disappear around the corner to the cafeteria.

I sighed shakily, and my stomach gave a pitiful rumble, sounding defeated. Now I didn't have anything for dinner, breakfast, or lunch. I could feel my eyes starting to burn.

"Peter? Are you okay?" Karen's voice said into my ear.

"No, I'm not. Karen, tell me where the nearest crime is," I said, going to my locker, ripping my backpack out of it and slamming it shut again.

"Peter I can't do that--"

"Fine! I'll go find it myself!" I said, sprinting outside and going to a secluded area to change.

"Peter please don't, you're going to hurt yourself, please just go back inside, tell someone what happened--"

"No! I just need to get outside for a second!" I snapped. I shoved my clothes into my backpack and shot a web to the nearest building.

Soon I was swinging high above the city, cringing at the fact there were tears soaking into my mask. The world was getting more and more blurry with each web I shot.

"Peter, your bloodsugar is getting dangerously low, you need to stop!" I heard Karen say. But she was so far away, it felt like she was talking to me from behind a pillow. And this backpack was getting so heavy, same with my arms and legs. Why is everything always so heavy? Something wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull?

"I'm fine," I muttered, swinging as high I as I possibly could and letting go.

But quite suddenly, I didn't feel heavy anymore.

In fact, I didn't feel anything.  

Just so HungryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat