The Hunt

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Lyra's POV.

I woke at the crack of dawn, like always. The sunrise was amazing, deep oranges piercing through the sheltered tree canopy.

I looked up, and didn't see Flame. I glanced around, trying to find her, then she rocketed past me, sliding down the trunk, her cloud of red hair flying behind her.

I sighed and started to climb down, slowly. I was more of a cave person. When I reached the bottom, I saw Flame had already built a small fire.

She had her bow in her hand, her knife strapped to her arm, her throwing knives slotted into her jacket and her quiver resting on her back.

I fingered my gold sword. Flame had made her bow and I had made my crossbow, but we had struck lucky when we came to an old metal heap, where we found a set of small knives, a dagger and my sword. They weren't in bad condition, but we fixed them over the fire.

She nodded at the trees to the left, and she headed into them. I chose the path to the right and jogged over to it. I put away my sword, as I couldn't kill animals with it, but I loaded my crossbow on my wrist.

Flame's POV.

After about fifteen minutes, I heard a rustling in the bushes about ten feet away. I instinctively loaded my bow and as a rabbit flung itself at the other bushes, I let my grip loose, and my arrow sped into its eye, like always. I never missed.

Before I put the poor animal into my hunting bag, I whispered a short 'sorry' and I layed it down.

As I continued on, I shot another two rabbits and a small squirrel. I also managed to find a large patch of strawberries next to a stream. I filled my bottle and my gathering pouch, then left.

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