Ups and Down - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

She nodded. "Yeah, the play is actually in 2 days! We're doing A Midsummers Night's Dream- althoughwe'redoingitwithzombies- and I'm playing Puck! So I'm really excited!" She exclaimed. "I just love theater and plays- rehearsal is my favorite part though!"

I grinned at her enthusiasm. "I've always wanted to do theater, although I can never sign up in time because it's hardly ever advertised," I explained. "There's always just one really small poster..."

Christine leaned in closer. "I know right! I think it's just pure luck that I see the sign-up sheets!" She loudly exclaimed.

I sighed and relaxingly leaned my hand back onto the couch. "So," I began. "Have you seen anyone else you know around here?" I asked.

Christine rubbed her chin. "I think I saw Jeremy from rehearsal right before you sat down next to me, but he went straight to Brooke so I couldn't say hi."

My ears perked up. "Oh, so he is here?" Christine shrugged. "Oh, well, to be honest, this party's kind of boring..." I said.

Christine nodded. "I wouldn't say boring more of, bland? I guess you and I aren't the parting kinds." She lightly chuckled. Abruptly she shot up off the couch and did a twirl. "Oh! You're a theater person, right?" I nodded. "Notice anything about my costume?"

I looked at her costume up and down. "Wait- are you dressed as Juliet?" I asked her.

She nodded excessively. "Yeah! It's the same costume that I wore am for the show-"

"EVERYONE! JEREMY AND CHLOE ARE HAVING HOT SEX IN JAKE'S PARENTS ROOM!" Someone yelled. Christine and I looked at each other in confusion as everyone else around us abruptly stopped what they were doing to go see Jeremy and Chloe. We shrugged at each other and followed.

I'd actually already been to Jake's house before, so I already knew where his parent's room was. So while everyone else was frantically running everywhere trying to find it, I just walked right up to the door and pressed my ear to it. It just sounded like they were talking. Everyone noticed what I was doing and crowed around the same door.

"JEREMY! I KNOW YOU'RE NOT HAVING SEX ON MY PARENT'S BED!" Jake yelled as he ran past all of us and banged on the door harshly with his fists.

"JEREMY AND I ARE HAVING SEX! AND IT'S SO HOT AND SEXUAL THAT HE'S BETTER THAN YOU!" Chloe's voice called out, then Chloe started to moan loudly,

I could hear Jeremy stutter. "N-NO! She's lying! We're not having sex!" He yelled.

I felt a brush on my left arm, I looked over to see Brooke looking at the door wide-eyed. Tears were so obviously pushing at her eyes. I could see her mumbling something, but everyone around us was screaming and yelling so loudly that I could hear her. I went to hug and comfort her, but she ran through and away from the crowd before I could. I looked around at me Jake was still pounding at the door. I turned back and tried to chase after Brooke.

The crowd gathered around the door was incredibly large and dense, so it was difficult just to slip by them, but I eventually did. I tried to look around the house for Brooke but she wasn't anywhere. "Eric, are you able to see where she is?" I asked him.

Eric materialized in front of me. "I'm afraid not, I can only see the locations of where other Squip hosts and hostess are." He said.

I nodded and continued looking for Brooke, but my mind wondered. "Eric?" I looked up at him.

"Still here." He smiled at me.

I fidgeted with my costume's jacket. "Did Chloe actually have sex with Jeremy...?" I asked again.

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