You Love Me~43 [unedited]

Start from the beginning

"I know how you do. You love me."

Both girls looked up when they heard someone choke and cough but continued with their conversation in English.

"You're right... I don't understand how I still love you. I mean after all these years..."

Lisa glanced up from her burger when she saw a flash of two people walking away. She moved her focus back to Jill and smirked.

"It's hard not to love me."

Jill chuckled and shook her head. "So full of yourself miss Manoban... unbelievable"

'Yeah yeah whatever. How is your dad doing?" Lisa inquired and took a sip from her drink.

"He is doing great! He is settling down with his new girl. I think they are getting married soon actually. I really like her." Jill grinned and showed her a picture. "Oh she seems nice."

"She is! She really knows her fashion taste... And she is so beautiful..."

"Ew don't crush on your dad's future wife! That's disgusting!" Lisa fake gagged.

"You would want her too if you were in my position." Jill smirked and licked her lips.

"How old is she?" Lisa asked and raised her right eyebrow.

"Thirty one."

"She could be your mom! You fourteen year old pervert." Lisa exclaimed and ditched a fry that came flying towards her head.

"But she isn't. Plus, I turn fifteen in two months and you know that I mean, I can always try. Maybe she won't be able to resist my cute face and pretty tits and ass." She wiggled her eyebrows and groped her breasts through her shirt.

"Jesus Jill we are in public." Lisa shook her head and moved some of her freshly dyed hair back. This girl was unbelievable.

"So? Nobody knows who I am." She grinned and stuffed her last fries in her mouth "Plus, that wasn't what you said when we did it."

Lisa chocked on her drink and some of the liquid gushed out of her nose. She flushed red from embarrassment and quickly grabbed a pile of tissues to clean herself up. She tried to ignore the burning that it caused.

"Damn... I even have the ability to make you gush out liquid without doing anything." Jill smirked and quickly snapped a picture of the girl.

Lisa send her a middle finger and shook her head. The girl was awful.


"But I want to see you again tomorrow Lisaaa!" She whined and clung even tighter onto the older girl. Lisa kissed the top of her head, "I'm sorry I can't... Maybe tomorrow evening but during the day it won't be possible..." "You will visit your girlfriend, won't you?" Jill pouted.

Lisa nodded and bit her lip "I will... I need to. And if not tomorrow night I promise you you will have me for yourself the whole day after tomorrow alright?"

"Alright Lis..."

"Do you want me to drop you off at your hotel room?" She questioned after a while. The younger girl nodded rapidly, "Yes please. It's quite lonely there."

"I still can't believe that your father trusted you when he send you here for two weeks, on your own." Lisa chuckled as she got into her car and Jill slid into the drivers seat.

"I don't know either. Maybe because he wanted to piss of my mom too. She hates it when I travel. So he allows me to travel as far and wherever I want to as much as possible." She grinned and admired the streets that they drove through.

"Seoul is so pretty... I sometimes think that I like it more than Rome. I mean it wouldn't really make a difference where I lived, right? I can't speak Italian nor Korean for shit."

"You should start learning Italian Jill. I know you don't like it there but you live there now. You need to make friends and all."

A scoff came out of the girls lips and she crossed her arms "I won't. I go to an international school. I speak English there. Plus, I don't need friends. I don't really do friends. You and this dude from Miami are my only friends."

"I said that too you know. And look at me now. I have five amazing friends here and one of them also happens to be my girlfriend... I don't deserve them. But I have them. And trust me. They make your life a lot better..."

"Nah fuck that Lis. I will stay with my... lets call them... buddies?"

"You are fourteen Jill... You should be like... playing around with dolls or something." Lisa sighed and shook her head.

"You're only seventeen Lisa. Don't act like you're a grown woman or something." She scoffed.

And she was right. Lisa often forgot that she herself was a teen.

"Ah just shut up you little girl." She smirked as she received a smack from the girl.

"Still as kinky as I remember."


Lisa groaned as she landed on the floor next to the hotel bed. She was a bit disoriented for a bit until she recalled the events of last night. She had dropped Jill of but the girl and begged her to stay. They ended up spending the night taking shots and watching a crappy series that was about a girl who fell in love with this guy but she was the nerdy and he the bully. Really cliché and bad but they enjoyed it.

"Lisa come cuddle some more." The teen pouted making the older girl chuckle. She grabbed a shirt of her friend and a jeans before she slid them on over her underwear.

"I still can't believe that a fourteen year old girl her breasts are practically triple my size." She muttered erupting laughter from her friend.

"Don't worry Lis. Your small titties are nice too. I appreciate all sizes."

"When I get back from my girlfriends I will bring some holy water from her house to cleanse your mouth for you."

After she touched herself up a bit she walked over to her friend, who was still in bed, and kissed her cheek.

"I will text you later hun. Wish me luck."

"Good luck Lisa. If you guys are still together after you went to her, I would love to meet her! If you aren't... I'm here for some heartbreak sex" She winked but yelped when she received a smack to her side.

"Shut the fuck up Jill."

She grabbed her bag and car keys and blew her friend a kiss. "Love you, you horny little freak."

"I love you too... daddy." She winked.

Soon enough the first thing Lisa could get her hands on, which happened to be an apple, hit her friends frame.

Lisa quickly drove off and made her way to her girlfriends house. She felt a knot from in her stomach and sighed.

She shouldn't have ignored her girlfriend for over a week. What was she thinking"?

"Right, you weren't" She mumbled to herself and sighed.

She had really fucked up.


Soooooooo Rosé heard a bit of Lisa and her friend's conversation with her mother....

Um. Goodluck Lisa.

What did you guys get for christmas?

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