Chapter 4: The Corridor

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Everything around Matt and his friends was burning. They could not see anything but fire. Who could possibly be behind all of this since the aliens were gone?

"Quick! we need to grab whatever is left inside our house that is important!" -Matt said.

The three of them were running as fast as they could, leaving Bite behind. They grabbed their books, some food and their weapons.

"That is all we can carry, let's bail!" -Matt told them.

They got out of the burning house, but they realized Bite was not there.

Then, under the earth, dirt started getting off the ground, it was being turning into some dirt creatures. Of course, neither Matt nor his friends were expecting them to be friendly. The creatures were hostile towards them, walking slowly slowly with the will to attack.

"Great time to leave us, Bite... stand aside, guys!" -Matt warned the other two and summoned skeletons by touching the ground.

He ordered them to deal with the dirt monsters and they obeyed. The skeletons destroyed them, but that caused the dirt monsters to double in numbers.

"Oh no, what are we gonna do now?!" -Margrethe panicked.

"There's too many!" -Greatsaw added.

At that moment, Matturse heard a familliar sound. It was an orange dragon that he knew very well, flying towards them with Bite next to it.

"Your dragon actually called for help, Matt" -Margrethe said.

"It's not any dragon!" -he replied.

The orange dragon threw fire on the dirt monsters, burning them all into crisps.

They quickly got on Bite and they flew away, trying to get in a safer spot. The orange dragon was leadimg the way, guiding them and soon enough, they landed in an underground bunker, which would keep them safe.

"We have no clue about those monsters, but I don't have any energy for fighting after what happened a few hours ago. Anyway guys, I know this will sound ridiculous but, meet my cousin, Sharah" -Matturse said.

"Matt, there's literally only the three of us here" -Margrethe was confused.

"Four of us, check this out!"

Then, the orange dragon transformed into a beautiful girl.

"Wow... that's something new and awesome" -Greatsaw said excitedly.

"Thank you. Now Matt, can you finally introduce us properly?" -Sharah replied.

"Right, I'm sorry! So, Sharah, this is my girlfriend, Margrethe, a werecat, and this is my best friend, Greatsaw, he's an arachnomancer"

"A what?" -she asked.

"An arachnomancer, I got spider powers and I can even summon spiders or transform into one. But I really wanna know more about your cool superpower" -Greatsaw told her.

"Well, I'm an animal shapeshifter. I can transform to any animal I want at any time, I got it from my father. When our supernatural generation moved to the five continents, I've been living in this bunker ever since for... safety reasons" -she said.

"Wow, I'm really impressed!"

"Alright, let's focus on getting some sleep now and tomorrow we'll find another place" -Matturse said.

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