{2} Fragile Gifts

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A/N: Sorry this one is so short, it was just a quick idea I had and wanted to write. Enjoy! Xx

Jacob's POV
Christmas in London was a magical sight. Yet none was more magical to Jacob than coming back to Y/N decorating the train.
The firelight cast a soft hazy glow around her, as she softly hummed carols. The warmth made her pure skin turn rosy and her eyes had a happy glint.
To him, she was the true essence of beauty.
An angel fallen from heaven, brightening his life.
He stood in the doorway watching his wife glide around the train cart, hanging plants and flowers, lighting candles and stoking the fire.

"So, how long will you stand there silently, you creep?" Y/N calmly asked, still not looking at Jacob.

Jacob smoothly masked his surprise at her awareness or her surroundings. After all, she was an assassin too.
"Just waiting to see if you would remember the most important decoration."

"Oh?" She teasingly smiled, "And what would that be?"
Turning around to face him, she swayed over to him, looping her arms around his neck as he snakes his around her waist.

He raised one of his arms up above their heads, with their faces almost touching, and dangling from his fingers was a spring of mistletoe.


They grinned before leaning in to share a sweet kiss. Y/N pulled away first, leaning her forehead on his.

"As much as I would love to continue this now, we both still have work to do."

"Yes, that measly pest of a problem called Crawford Starrick certainly won't wait for Christmas. I was thinking of liberating a factory today, wanna join me, love?"

"Oh, I would love to, truly. But, I still have 3 more carts to decorate and a doctor's appointment to get to."

"Is everything ok?" Jacob asked concerned.

"It should be." She smiled in return.

"Okay, love," Jacob smiled understandingly, "Right, I'm off! See you tonight, I love you."

She pecked his cheek, "Love you too," she grinned.

~time skip~

"So what's so special that the highly trained killer assassin Y/N L/N, has cooked me dinner?" Jacob teased with a raised eyebrows as he lifted his beer to his lips.

Sipping her water, Y/N replied, "I have important news for later tonight. For now, Husband, eat up and shut up."
They shared a laugh, never ones for being especially domestic, this setting was a foreign one to them.

"Why, of course, Wife." Jacob said with a wink, before digging into his dinner.

Later that night, as they lay in each other's arms in bed, Jacob complimented Y/N, "Dinner was delicious by the way, I think I forgot to say."

"It's okay, thankyou."

"I think you're forgetting something."


"Your news for me."

She rolled over to face him, nervously smiling as she began, "Remember how I said I had a doctor's appointment today?"

"Yes, how did it go? Is everything okay?"

"Well, that depends on how you react now... I'm pregnant. Jacob, we're going to have a baby."

Jacob's jaw fell as he sat up, pulling her into a sitting position with him. Shocked, he whispered, "Really?"

"Yes." She whispered back, scared of his unreadable reaction.

Whisking her into a hug, he joyfully exclaimed, "That's WONDERFUL!! We must tell Evie and Henry tomorrow!!! Oh, my love, this is superb! I love you so much!" He placed one hand on her still-flat stomach as they spoke, as if he was searching for their child inside of her.

"You're not scared? Scared of what could happen?"

His attention fully focused on her again, he removed his hand from her stomach and placed both palms reassuringly on her shoulders.

"Yes, I am, how could I not be?" He openly admitted, before continuing "But what I'm confident of is that nothing will happen to you or this baby- not with me, Evie, Henry, The Rooks- heck even Aleck, Dickens, Darwin would help..." sighing from the expanse of his list as Y/N smiled at him, he continued, "My point is: you will be safe. Both of you. No matter what, because I love you so much. Everyone does."

"I know, Jacob," she replied, kissing him slowly, "I know... and I love you too, more than life itself."

𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐅𝐑𝐘𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘢𝘤 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦Where stories live. Discover now