Zachary noticed. He tensed, "Red? What's wrong?"

I hated it. Why did the concern freely flow into his words? Why was his mask sculpted to be so... so genuine it was believable?

"What do you get out of marrying me?"

His smile reached his glowing blue eyes.


My heart squeezed. My head, it hurt again and I wanted to vomit every single word I'd ever heard.

It was a sickness, it seemed. Because I knew deep inside, that I was somewhat clinging to those words no matter what I saw, what I knew. It was weak to admit, but I idiotically wished for the plot twist—that maybe... maybe what? That he would mean it? How cute of me.

Right before my chest exploded from hurt, it seemed to be overcome with anger again. Steeling itself in impenetrable armor. And I held on to that. I held on to that devouring emotion and pushed back that irrational hurt.

He is the enemy, Scarlett.

I knew the truth now, I was a pawn from the start. And now that my father was gone... time was running out for me if I didn't make my move now. And there was this baby too. It wasn't just me anymore. My child did not deserve this. Running, I knew now, would be futile. Zachary would always be on my heels. And as I looked at the rearview mirror again, I saw Chairman Harrington.

The anger skyrocketed. The coil over the hurt tightening.

That was right. This was the reason Zachary married me. The reason he would not let me go. And probably never... at least not until he's milked me dry for all I was worth. And now that daddy was gone...

I needed to take up my spot and save myself now.

I wasn't a genius like my father was. I knew my limits. And if I couldn't wrestle my fortune out of their greedy hold, no one was having it. Especially not these lowlife Harringtons. Especially not Steve Harrington—not Zachary.

My thoughts paused at the movement I saw on the rearview mirror.

There was someone coming out of the passenger side of the BMW. My heartrate sped up. At the sight of the person, I was scrambling out of the car. I didn't even hear Zachary calling my name as I ran to the back of the Bentley to see him.

The older man was someone I'd known my whole life.

"Chris," subconsciously, I'd already called to him. I watched his shoulders tense before the man whipped around to look me in the face.

Eyes widened at the sight of me as if he'd seen a ghost. There were streaks in his hair, wrinkles in that kind face.

"Miss Noble," he replied as if almost instantaneously. He seemed to still be programmed as my father's right-hand man. I'd missed the familiar sight of that ever-serious secretary dad had.

Chris's gaze held questions and worries he would not vocalize in public. It was that look he used to give me when I was younger before he pulled me aside and berated me on my father's behalf.

"Mrs. Harrington," came the sharp correction and we both looked to the direction of Steve Harrington who glared in Chris's direction.

My father's secretary suddenly composed himself and bowed slightly in his direction.

"Chairman," Chris acknowledged before clearing his throat. "But of course, she is Mrs. Harrington now. My apologies."

And our moment was gone as he pulled on a professional mask and gave ear to Steve Harrington.

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