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A girl wearing a buisness suit came out from a black Mercedes, As soon she came out she was surrounded by
Media.Body gaurds surrounded her blocking media.She started walking with devil's aura.Media person started shooting questions but she ignored them but a question stopped her.

Reporter:-mam are you afraid of media why you always avoid them.

Girl turned back & looked at reporter blankly,reporter shivered at her look.
Girl came to reporter with slow steps
& looked into his eyes and said.

Girl:-I like your guts Mr ,shoot what you want to ask,you have 5min.

Reporter smiled at her.

Rep:-mam its about your personal life(girl nodded to continue)
What you like more in your life.


R:-what you value more in your life.


R:-what is important for you in a person.


R:-what is your view about love.

Girl:-physical attraction between a couple.

R:-what is family to you.

Girl:-group of people who live together with unwanted emotion.

R:-what you hate more in your life.


R:-last & final question mam what is marriage to you.

Girl:-A deal between husband & wife.
(Saying this girl was about to go but turned to reporter & said) for your information Nandini dheewan never afraid of anyone, everyone is afraid of me.

Scene Change
In a village
A man is standing in a farm,he was smiling looking at peaceful farm.
A small girl of 12 years is jumping around him.

(Imagine they are talking in Hindi)

Girl:-bhaiyya now am gonna interview you.

Man:OK dear.

Girl:-what you like more in your life.

Man:-my family.

Girl:-what you value more in your life.

Man:-my family

Girl:-what is important to you in a person.

Man:-pure heart.

Girl:-what is love for you.

Man:-invisible connection between two hearts.

Girl:-what is family to you.

Man:-a beautiful gift of love & relationships which we create in our world.

Girl:-last  & final what is marriage.

Man:-bond of love & trust.

Girl:-bhai I damn sure bhai even educated person will not answer like you,you are my rock star bhai.

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