We walked to the office to claim our schedules.

" uh hi can we have our schedules please" Gabby asked the lady at the front desk with a smile.

"Uh sure hunny bun , what are your names." the lady asked.

"Gabrielle and Brielle Jones" I answered.

"Your Brielle Jones?" The lady asked.

"The one and only" I responded a little to enthusiastic.

Gabby just shook her head.

" You sure gave Dave Summers an ass whooping. Well done! I'm all for female rights" the lady who's name badge read Trudy, said winking and handing us our schedules.

"Well thank you miss Trudy, I do try and you've just made it into my good books" I said smiling at her.

"Oh gosh come on Bri we need to go, let see me your schedule you could have an AP class with me" Gabby said grabbing my schedule out of my hand.

"Ugh we've got lunch together but that's it, I'll see you at lunch. Get to class or your gonna be late" She said and hurried down the corridor.

I walked to my locker and saw my besties waiting around it.

"Ahhhh, Bri-Bri" I heard a high pitched voice that could only belong to Dani scream and then I saw her afro bobbing as she ran to me. I braced myself preparing for impact.

'Thud' and impact has arrived, I looked up to see Dani staring at me.

"So I'm guessing you missed me" I said laughing.

"Yeah only a little bit" she said laughing and she jumped off me. Drake came up to me and spun me around.
" Hey Bri-Bean" he said putting me down.
"Why hello Mr Drake Fields" I said grinning at Drake.

" Oh Roxanne don't you look raveshing with that lilac hair" I said pretending to toss my hair over my shoulder.

"Oh shut up Brielle , come here here and give me a hug" She said hugging me , her partner in crime. Oh Roxi and I do get into a lot of trouble.

"Where's Gabby" Drake asked. Drake and Gabby are both seniors, Roxi, Dani and I are sophomores in high school.

"She's walking to class, I think it's History, with Mrs Gonzalez " I answered him.

" Yes! Um I mean I've got that class, I'll go catch up with her" he said running down the hall. I looked at Roxi and Dani and we gave each other the look. He so likes her.

The final bell for class went and Dani raced to her lesson. I asked if she wanted to bunk with Roxi and I but she said no. Even though her family is rich she still wants to be an 'educated young lady' quoted from Ms Dani herself.

So it was just Roxi and I.
"So how was France" I asked her about her holiday.

" It was how you say 'tres crap'" she said setting down in the hallway and sitting on the ground next to my locker.

"Mom was gone probably fornicating with some young French waiter and Dad was away on "business" but I have a feeling he was doing the same thing as mum, just with a young French waitress" she said her head in her hand.

"Their so selfish, they left Tom and I to fend for ourselves" I looked at one of my best friends and realised how strong she was mentally and physically.

"Come on Rox, don't let what they do affect your life. Your strong mentally and physically , your clever, smart and flipping amazing at everything you do. Tell them how you feel and maybe they'll listen. After all their still your parents" I said releasing her from the hug I'd pulled her into.

I gave her some tissue that I pulled out if my backpack and told her I was going to get some drinks.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get our routine drinks"I plugged my earphones in and proceeded from where I'd left of this morning.

'Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
Music still on MTV
Her 2 kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
But she's still preoccupied with
19, 19, 198-' I sang dancing towards the vending machine only to walk to a very toned person. I fell and my earphones and ear buds fell to the floor.

"Why is the world so against me saying that year" I got up and briefly looked at the person who I'd bumped into.

"Sorry about that" I said then went to the ground to pick up my phone, hoping and praying it wasn't broken.

"Well you should be peasant" he said walking away. And I stopped what I was doing.

"What did you just call me?" I asked him.
"A peasant, that is what you are, right?" I just stood and looked at this boy, like he'd lost his marbles.

I threw my phone across the room, it's sure to be broken now.
"Dafuq you just called me, you bout to get beat down by a peasant" I said running up to him and planting a hefty punch on that pretty face of his.

Suddenly a bodyguard came out of no where, trying to get me off pretty boy. But no way in hell was I letting go, the things he was screaming was not helping the matter.

"Get this hoochie mamma off me"
"Oh god , get her off me, the slut bag may be carrying diseases"

"Why's is it taking you so long to get the drink" Roxi asked, but stopped when she saw the predicament I was in.

Without hesitation Roxi jumped in, everyone in their classrooms were now out and teachers were trying to reason with us, while bodyguards were trying to detach one of my hands that was gripping pretty boys hair, yanking him to the ground. He was putting up a good fight though trying so very hard to push me off me.

Roxi had successfully got the the bodyguard off me for a second. Only for more to swarm me. I was finally pulled off pretty boy and Roxi and I were carried away.

" I may be a peasant, but this peasant can whoop some ass" I said to pretty boy and threw a sickly sweet smile at him.

First fight in school, in less than an hour of the beginning of the school day.

New Record. Yasss!

Was popping guys so I've got a new book. This completely different to "The Morreli mafia" What do you guys think of the story so far.

Who's your favourite character?

What do all of you think? This is different to my other story so I don't really know how people will take to it.

Let me know what you think.

Please check out my YouTube channel. The link is in my bio. I would love you forever and ever if you subscribed

Keep your head up high, spread the reading love.

Love you guys

~Sarah xoxo

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