Chapter 5 - Airing the Dirty Laundry PART 2

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No One's POV:

Uneasiness twisted inside Hyunjin's stomach as he observed Minho's reaction to whatever message Jisung had left. The dancer paled until he was as white as a sheet and terror trembled through his nerves, causing his hands to shake like a leaf. Wide, panicked brown orbs met Hyunjin's concerned stare. Minho pulled the phone from his ear before swiftly checking how long ago Jisung left the message and calling the boy back, fear clutching at his heart.

"He's not picking up!" Minho yelled while frantically dialing the boy's number again. Hyunjin watched, his hands hanging uselessly by his sides, uncertain on what to do to help, uncertain as to what was going on.

When Jisung did not answer again, Minho changed tactics. He dialed Changbin's number, hoping that the rapper would pick up. He really didn't want to have to call Chan but if it came down it, knowing that Jisung was okay would take precedence over his pride. The brunette listened with bated breath as the phone rang. However, Changbin didn't pick up. His hands shook uncontrollably as he dialed the rapper again and still received no response.

The dancer briefly debated whether he really should call Chan or not, but decided to put his pride aside for now and call the elder. This wasn't about him. It was about Jisung. And something was seriously wrong with him right now. He inhaled sharply as the phone rang, the promising jingle allowing hope to rise once more from the ashes of the intense flames of his anxiety and suffocating abyss of dread.

"Ohmygoshthankgodfinally!" The brunette's words slurred together in one undecipherable mess in response to Chan answering his phone. However, his relief was short lived. "Are you with Jisung?"

"What? No. Why?" Chan sounded distracted and his words came slowly as if he wasn't fully focused on the phone call.

"Where is he?" Minho asked hurriedly, ignoring Chan's halfhearted question.

"Um... probably at the studio. Why?" Minho paled and words stuck to his throat as terrified thoughts charged wildly through his mind. Hyunjin stepped forward, taking charge after realizing that the brunette wasn't going to speak.

"Are you near the studio, Chan hyung?" Hyunjin asked, having heard Chan's voice through the phone speaker. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that the boy who had seemed so happy earlier was now an anxious mess, and it had something to do with Jisung.

"H-Hyunjin? You're still with Minho? Wait? Why?" The ravenette ignored the jealous tinged questions with an annoyed roll of his eyes.

"Are you near Jisung?" Hyunjin snapped, the flame of his anxiety burning wildly as it fed on the panic radiating off the trembling dancer in waves.

"U-uh, yeah?" Hyunjin almost groaned at Chan's uncertainty. His tone indicated that he was hung up on the fact that Hyunjin was still with Minho rather than the strange fact that they were trying to find Jisung.

"Go! Go find him. We are on our way there,"

"Wait why? What's going on?" The higher pitch in Chan's voice was a clear indication to his confusion.

"I don't know, hyung," the ravenette admitted. "He called Minho seven times and left a-a voice message," he continued to speak as he urged Minho into motion and head for the front door, intent on finding Jisung. "I don't know what's going on but something's wrong and I am about to have a panic attack, if Minho doesn't beat me too it." He ended the phone call with those final words, knowing that they would spur the blond into action. He grabbed Minho by the wrist and dragged the still dazed boy from the apartment towards the JYP building.

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