Young Toppo X Female Childhood Friend Reader

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-Hello everyone and a good holidays to you all. Now, this fanfic request is an interesting one. This is requested by CharlesSmith090. To my surprise by this request, this could be an interesting topic of creating Toppo's past and how he was treated before he joined the Pride Troopers. I hope this is accurate and enjoyable if any professionals are reading this. Please enjoy.

Toppo is the leader of the Pride Troopers; he had always saved innocent people from danger and served justice against all his foes mercifully. He and his huge hands worked as one as he saved his universe from evil. To be honest, Toppo wasn't always strong when he faced discrimination and negative comments back then. Well, it all started when he was a young boy.

Toppo was only six years old; he was born from a strange pair of parents: a normal woman and a giant. His father is from a line of giants whose once threatens the village of Toppo's home planet. His mother lived on planet (insert name) for her entire life. As they meet, it was love at first sight. Until the village discovered their secret and saw them raising their son. For their punishments: his mother was sent away and never come back. His father was stoned to death for his punishment is the creation of Toppo which is known to them as an abomination.

            For three years, a close relative of his mother's raised him; she would feed him, care for him, and protect him from the society that they live in. But at age four, his relative died of an internal disease, leaving him alone in this world. Without a home, food, or any care, Toppo always hide to a safe small place where no one can harm him. Once in a while, he would receive a small amount of food when performing tasks for some people; but he would only eat a small bite or drink a sip as he was bullied by older kids and took his things. They would beat his face, a bruise on his arm and back, and he would force himself to scare them using his huge hands. Everyone in the village calls him a monster, a freak of nature whenever he walks around. Gossip like this hurt his feelings, but nonetheless, he continues living his life while he ignores them, hoping that someone else helps him.

            One day, he went back to his place again, bruised up from his usual beating from the older boys. Toppo wears his usual dirty tanned robes, worn out by his beatings. His white hair is short yet scruffy. His yellow cat eyes stared at the ground, catching his breath. He received a loaf of bread for performing tasks. Sadly, they took it out of his hands and beat him up. Toppo's tears roll down his cheeks, feeling heartbroken and sadness from all the hate that the village give him. Suddenly, his pointy ears heard a small noise from his left; scared at first, he was prepared to hide. Until a young girl at a year younger than him appeared before him. Toppo blinks, wiping the tears that hoping she did not see him crying. The young girl is an inch taller than him, skinny yet healthy. Her hair is (color), her fair skin is (color), and her ears are (which style). Her shiny (color) eyes stares at him, feeling sorry for him. She wears her brown hoody cape while wearing a (color) robe, (color) sash, and (color) shoes. She walks closer, and stops in front of him. Toppo back up to a corner behind him, trying to escape. The girl examines his bruises. "Hey, you're hurt!", she said softly, then took out her aid kit, "Don't worry, I'll fix you up in no time!" With that, she took out her medical spray; she held up his arm and sprayed the bruised area. Toppo winced by the pain, yet he took it like a man as he allows her to heal him. It was now done as she placed bandages on his arms. The girl notices how huge his hands are; cannot believe someone like him would exist. Toppo looks at her and waits for her response, thinking she would make fun of him like the others did. Unexpectantly, she held his right hand in her hands, caressing the back of his hand. She looks at him and smiled, giving him a warm friendly smile that he never seen before.

            Toppo stares at her in awe; "Wwwwho are you?", he asked. The girl held his hand tightly yet gently, "I'm (Y/n)-Chan. I was worried how the bullies treated you when they hurt you. I cannot allow you to let them treat you like this. You must tell them to stop it." "Then what?", he said, "become friends with me? A monster with huge hands, no family and no friends? I don't think so!" (Y/n)-Chan gasp by his exclamation; she cannot believe such as gentle boy could give up hope on good things. She sat next to him, reaching into her pocket and took out a half of loaf of bread. She gives it to Toppo which his eyes went wide open as he looks at her, shocked  by her offer. "At least let me give you something to eat", she replied.  Toppo nods, receives the bread and ate it; he hums as he saviors it. Toppo cannot imagine someone like her would be caring for some creature like him. If only he could repay that act of kindness, people will realize how kind and great he can be. But how? (Y/n)-Chan stand up, dusting the dirt of her robes. She looks at Toppo, "You're not the only one who's lonely; my parents died three years ago, and I was given the tasks to heal injured people. Anyway, what's your name?", she asked. "Toppo", he responds by giving her a hand shake. She returns the shake and they chuckle. "You know what Toppo", she said smiling, "I heard there are heroes who are recruiting members to join the Pride Troopers." Toppo's ears perk up, curious. "Who?", he asked. "Pride Troopers are heroes who believe in saving people with their own abilities and throw bad guys in jail without killing anyone." She sighs, looking at the sky, "Maybe one day we'll join them and help everyone. Wouldn't that be great Toppo?", (Y/n)-Chan asked, looking at him with a smile. Toppo stares at her in awe, then smiles back to her, "Yeah, we'll be heroes, and everyone will be nicer to us." Both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan nods, which they vow to join the Pride Troopers someday, no matter what.

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