Jeice X Neko Reader

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Requested by IndieFlower53.

-Warning: sexual theme. Please enjoy. P.s. I don't own this image (galxy_girl145).

Jeice is the second in command elite warrior of the Ginyu Force. He and his comrades only serve for one important person of the entire universe: Frieza. Since they're part of the Frieza Force, whatever type of orders, Frieza sends them and they obeyed. Over the years, Jeice has seen many beings killed by him or his comrades, not giving any damn to anyone.

Recently last week, Jeice has been feeling sad. He just witnessed innocent children being injured by Recoome and Burter. Seeing the sweet children getting punched and kicked makes his stomach churns. Jeice breaks it up, stopping them and tells them to stop torturing the poor souls. Both his friends agreed; so, they captured them and send them to one of Freiza Force's concentration camps (no Nazism reference intended. I apologize if offended, it's better than killing them.).

Ever since that day, Jeice is haunted by the bruises and sad looks on the children. Jeice went to his bedroom, resting. For the past week, the terrible memory made him feel uneasy. He was unable to sleep for over 24 hours, did not eat much (only a drink or a fruit), and he spend hours in the shower room, trying to wash away all the sins he committed over the years working in the Frieza Force and the Ginyu Force. As he gets dressed, his scouter is beeping. Jeice picks it up and answered the call. "Hello? Boss?", asks Jeice. "Oi Jeice, get ready and meet us at the docking bay! We got orders from Lord Frieza and he wants us to go receive the hostages from an unknown planet called Planet (insert random name)." Jeice snaps out of his sadness and put on his energized self, "Oh! Right, I'll be there in five minutes!", he said. "Roger that, Ginyu out!", and then Ginyu hung up. Jeice is curious about this new mission and he couldn't help but has a feeling that things will something new.

As the Ginyu Force went into their space pods, they placed in the address towards their location. Jeice looks up and had a thought, "I wonder why I'm feeling weird. Lately, I'm up and ready for anything, but now, I can't help but feel that something's waiting for me. But who?" Him standing next to his pod, this caused his friend Burter to notice his strange behavior. "Oi Jeice", said Burter, shaking his shoulders, "You alright? We're getting ready to leave." Jeice snaps out of his thoughts and embarrassed by his train of thoughts. "Oh right", he chuckled, nervously, "I'm going." As they entered their pods, they departed from the docking bay and flew into space.

Three Days Later

For three days, they traveled without a break. Luckily, they arrived at their destination. As the approached Planet (name), their pods landed roughly on the docking bay. Lucky that there's no metal docks, it's just the ground. They climb out of the pods and take the view of the now destroyed area. "Alright men!", announced Ginyu, energetic, "Once we get the hostages, Frieza's receiver ship will come get us and be on our way to Lord Frieza! Now don't kill them until we bring them to our Lord, are we clear!?" "Yes Ginyu!", four of the comrades shouts back.

After ten minutes of walking into the area, one of the Frieza's soldiers lead them to their base building. As they entered, Jeice saw at least ten people, cornered near the wall, by the other soldiers. Ginyu approaches them, causing them to shiver in fear. "So, these hostages, what do they do while you're here?", Ginyu asked the soldier. While Ginyu discusses with the soldier and the three comrades looking around base, Jeice caught something in his eyes; he noticed a pair of cat ears moving. Jeice walks towards the hostages, they coward themselves against the wall. As he stops, he budged the person to move. The hostages refused to move, so, Jeice pushed them aside and his expression turned into awe and confusion. What's in front of him is a pretty young neko girl. Jeice has no idea what he'll get himself into, but he couldn't help but fall for her.

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