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Matt + Carly

Carly's POV

We were in the car headed to Chris's birthday party. Erin and I were up front while Matt Sat in the back telling us all sorts of weird facts and curiosities. We had been having a good laugh throughout the ride and now we were stuck in traffic so I came up with the idea to ask our followers to make assumptions about us and we would probably just have another laugh. I took out my phone and took a picture of the three of use so they they knew to make assumptions about all three. Erin propped out camera on the dashboard and pressed the red button. I started out by reading the and the first one was "The three of you have a secret club that nobody else knows about where you gossip about the other members of the vlogsquad". Erin responded "Well, if we did, we wouldn't tell you about it because otherwise it wouldn't be a secret" and we all laughed. Then I read a few more until I got to some of the juicier ones. "Carly and Matt have had a thing for each other and they are the reason her and Bruce broke up. In all seriousness I think you guys would be so cute together". We all started hysterically laughing and then Erin said, "I mean, I can totally see you together. Maybe not now because you are so close but you guys would be cute together". I turned my head back and both Matt and I had disgusted looks on our faces which just made the both of us start laughing once again. Matt then added "Not to be mean or anything I just have never seen her in that way. We are just really close friends and have known each other for a couple of years now. Like yeah you're pretty and stuff but I just see you as one of my closest friends". I nodded in agreement and then added "I think the same thing for me like we are just really close friends and it would be weird". I then moved on to the next questions until we got bored and stopped recording. The thought never leaving my mind; did people really think that Matt and I could be a cute couple?

During the rest of the car ride, we kept on talking about it. Erin said "have you ever heard this before? like people shipping the two of you?" 

"I mean, yeah. But never before me and Bruce left things. Like before people saw us like a couple and now they are shipping me with a couple of people but specially Matt" 

"Really, I have never seen that" Matt added.

Erin then became more intrigued and said "But have the two of you ever liked each other or even thought about each other in that way?"

I was a bit hesitant but I said "I mean, to be honest, when we first moved out here, Matt was one of the first people I met and I had a crush on him until we became like really close friends. Since then he has really only been one of my best friends and now it would be sort of weird".

Matt added "No way. I was literally going to say the same thing. Like when I first met you two, I had a crush on Carly but I never mentioned anything because I didn't know if you felt the same but yeah now we are just friends. I think that's so crazy"

Amazed, Erin added "Woah, maybe you guys should have said something. Imagine how different life would have been!!"

The three of us started to imagine how our lives would have turned out and honestly, they don't seem too bad. Maybe I should have done something about my crush. Wait, what am I thinking? I don't want anything to be different. I don't want to be with Matt. Right?

We eventually arrived at the air b n b where the party was at ad sort of left the conversation there. 


Later that night, Erin and I were in her bed which we were going to share and she brought it up once again. I don't know why but I was kind of dreading her bringing it up once again. "Hey, I can't stop thinking how crazy your and Matt's story was".

"I know. I don't even know why but I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole time like I kind of wished I would have made a move back then".

"Wait, are you saying you wish that you were with him?"

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