I step out of the car, icy wind whipping across my face. The familiar bar stands in front of me, daring me to walk inside. This is the only way.

"Long time no see, Hemmings," Larissa drawls as soon as she spots me, flipping the rag she was using to wipe down tables over her shoulder. "Back for more?"

I fight against the emotions boiling inside me, slapping down a twenty on the bar's counter. "Just give me something strong."

Larissa's eyes light up as she scoops the money up, depositing it in her pocket. "Be right back, hon," she calls over her shoulder as she disappears into the back.

I anxiously tap my finger against the bar's edge, ignoring the other customers giving me strange looks. Little do they know that I used to frequent this place so much that they handed me my usual as soon as I walked through the door.

"Alright, sugar, here ya go." Larissa slides a glass down the counter.

Without thinking, I tip it back, downing it all in one gulp. I slam the cup down. "Got anything stronger?"

The side of her mouth twitches up into a smile. "I thought you'd never ask."

Everything that happened after that is a blur.

All I remember is throwing down shot after shot until I was swaying back and forth. At my insistence, Larissa brought me out a joint. There was only so much alcohol can do. Drugs don't just dull the pain - they make it vanish entirely.

I don't know how much time has passed when someone starts yelling my name, a familiar face popping into my hazy vision.

"Oh, Luke, what have you done this time?" Calum murmurs as he wraps my arm around his neck, hauling me to my feet.

"Hey, Cal Pal," I giggle, reaching out to poke his cheek with my finger.

Calum sighs and bats my hand away as he helps me walk.

Ashton is standing by the door, gripping onto the bar tightly. His expression softens when he notices us, rushing over to support my other side. "Oh my god, what happened?" he asks Calum, his worried gaze flickering all over my body.

"I found him in the back, high as fuck with empty glasses piled on his table," Cal says, looking anywhere but me. "Ash, I think he needs to go back."

"Back where?" I slur, frowning.

Ashton goes pale. "Calum, no. We can't do that to him. Not again."

"Look at him, Ashton!" Calum nearly screams. "He's not ok! I don't know about you but I can't sit here and watch him do this to himself every fucking night! He needs help."

"Where's Michael?" I almost sob. "I want Michael."

Ashton glares at Calum as he tightens his grip on me. "That's not your decision to make, Calum," he snaps, pulling me away from Calum. Softening his tone, he says to me, "Michael's right there, Luke, calm down."


I turn to see Michael yelling at Larissa, looking pissed. She winces at every word that comes out of his mouth, but wastes no time snapping back.

"It's not my place to ban him from the bar," she scowls, crossing her arms over her chest. "He wants to come here, he can. He causes no trouble and he pays for everything."

"And you're trying to KILL HIM!" Michael nearly screeches. "Giving him drugs AND drinks?! Who the fuck do you think you are? That's my best fucking friend right there and you're gonna have to kill me if you want to hurt him in anyway. Not on my watch, you bitch, I'm gonna make you pay-"

"Michael!" Calum shouts, cutting him off. A muscle feathers in his jaw. "Let's go."

"But she-" Michael starts.

"I said LET'S GO."

Flashing his middle finger at Larissa, Michael turns and stalks toward us. I reach an arm out toward him and he relaxes slightly as he lets me cling to him, helping Ashton support me all the way to the car.

"Where should we take him?" Ashton asks, looking back and forth between Michael and Calum.

"My house," Calum says, pulling his seatbelt across his chest. "His family can't see him like this, not again. It would break their hearts."

Michael sits with me in the backseat, sighing as he helps me buckle up, letting me lean against him as Ashton starts the car. My head spins as the car rolls forward, black dots dancing across my vision.

The last thing I hear before I black out is, "Oh Luke what have you gotten yourself into this time?"


So here's a little bit into Luke's past, hope you liked it!!!

Vote and comment for me please!! <33

K I'm off like a prom dress

Merry Christmas Eve! 


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