Warm Christmas

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  Chuuya frowns as the detective agency building came to his sight. He reached to the pocket of his coat, taking the dove coloured envelope into his gloved hands. He took the letter out, unveiling the black inked sentences. Skimming through the playful words with an annoying voice in his mind -it was like he's really talking to the short male now.

  A long sigh make its way out through his pale pink lips,  drawing a puff of white mist. Snow will probably fall soon, he thought as his blue orbs look to the hanging grey clouds, not letting any warm moonlight get through. Chuuya once again focus on what's in front of him, contemplating should he go in or not. As much as annoying the invitation is, the thought of a nice bottle of red wine that Osamu promised seems to be rapturous.

  With the bravery that he could muster, he move forward in certain to the cafe below the enemy's headquarters. His numb gloved hand floats near the golden handle before gripping it with a hope that the rowdy ADA can be nice kids for this Christmas night.

  And how can his heart not leap with joy when he's greeted with not only the comfortable silence, but a pair of hazel orbs that he secretly miss.

  He stepped inside, taking his time to savour the warmth that cripples his numbness, of course without breaking the eye contact with the handsome bartender. His dazed state broke as Atsushi asked his coat with a soft 'May I?' -which Chuuya gladly accept with a soft smile as a token of gratitude.

  "I've predicted that you'll be here, even though you may have thought, whether you want to spend your Christmas night with an enemy or not," Osamu's voice took his attention from the white tiger. "Well let's forget about our crowns for tonight. Its just you, me-"

  "and our baby."

  Osamu let a laugh slip. He can't get enough of Chuuya's silly remarks about how he loves wine.

  The auburn male made himself comfortable on the stool, staring dreamily as Osamu preparing their treat. It's not the expensive red wine that made Chuuya smiled, it's not how cozy the cafe is with warm coloured lights that made the auburn haired male feel all bubbly inside; no, it must be the loving stare of his lover, Dazai Osamu, that made him twirl his autumn strands, face dusted pink which decorated with a shy smile.

  Oh, the world is theirs for this one night.


  The called male hum in response, intoxicated with the red wine he just sipped -is it really the bitter taste in his mouth that made him like this? He didn't know.

  "Can I sing for you?"

  Osamu's voice is husky, with some seriousness laced between the words even though his usual smile is still there. The auburn male knows more than what's seen on the brunette's face, so he grins and put his glass aside.

  A little old radio that was purposely placed near them starts to play - a jazz.

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could life for no one else

  Chuuya chuckles, while his cheeks grew redder. It's not everyday Osamu admit that he's a fool, and it's not common for the Dazai Osamu to say something so... Full of regret.

But now through all the hurt and pain
It's time for me to respect
The ones you love mean more than anything

  The short male face fully bloomed when his lover took his right hand, and placed a chaste kiss. He didn't even forget to strike Chuuya down with a wink before continuing to sing again.

So with the sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all and leave forever

  Chuuya is smart enough to know what Osamu meant. It brings the short male back to when the news of the young executive disappearance fell into his hand.

What done is done, it feels so bad
What once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again, my world is ending

  Chuuya would scoff at how dramatic the lyric is, but the thick sadness that covers Osamu's voice prevent him for doing so - it breaks his heart instead.

I wish I could turn back the time
Cause now the guilt is now mine
Can't live without the trust from those you love

  He must meant Odasaku too, the auburn male thought. Of course, he's the brunette's friend. How foolish of Chuuya to think that Osamu is his only.

I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep
Letting me down, letting me down, letting me down

  Chuuya can hear the crack in Osamu's voice. How he wants to jump through the counter and give his lover some comfort, but he decides to stay through the end.

In my heart of hearts
I know that I could never love again

  A pair of onyx orb stare right through the blue ones, as if saying that he's in true pain, or he can't love anyone else except Chuuya.

  Osamu's voice starts to waver. With glassy eyes, he took his lover's hand once again, holding it tightly as if the auburn male will dissappear if he doesn't.

I've lost everything, everything
Everything that matters to me
Matters in this world

  "You're my world, Chuuya..."

  The trembling whisper is enough for the short male to wrap his arms around Osamu.

  "You don't need to feel guilty," Chuuya can hear his words quiver as well. "What happened before is behind us now. What's matter is how we'll move forward together without leaving, like in the past."

  "I forgive you. Right after I saw you smiling on the streets with that new partner of you. I've forgotten it already, but my prideful self just can't let it go just yet."

  "But now I know, how much you suffer from it. I forgive you, with all of my heart... Osamu. So please don't cry again."

  The taller male finally lift his head up from the auburn male's shoulder, revealing tear stained face with a dust of pink - he looked heavenly in Chuuya's blue orbs. He placed a chaste kiss on the quivering lips - once, twice, until it turns more sinful. It was salty, full of emotion - as if one of them will truly be gone in the morning. But they both know, it'll be impossible for them to go into separate ways once more.

  This time, the warmth reached their hearts, and melt it into one. What a wonderful Christmas night it is.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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