Chapter 2// going to Australia.

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[The next morning]
~Jen's POV~
I woke beside Alex, but she wasn't on the bed with me.. I belt she fell down when she was sleeping *lol*. Anyway, it was 3:00 in the morning and I'm the only one that's awake. I woke up early because I knew Alex and josh won't wake up until someone wakes them up. I decided to wake them up now, so we can go to the airport a bit earlier. I heard keyboard clicking from Josh's room. I knew it was Josh because I know that he likes the sound of his keyboard clicks. I went to Josh's room and told him to get ready. I went back to my bedroom, to wake up Alex. She was surprisingly awake, i bet she woke up because of the keyboard clicks. After that, I went to go cook breakfast.
~End of POV~


~Josh's POV~
I checked my Twitter account & someone must've heard my keyboard clicks. I passed by the kitchen & saw Jen cooking breakfast for us. She was cooking bacon and eggs. I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and after that I changed into a shirt that says "Party Pooper" and it has a picture of a party that poops! I wore shorts that were brown because it went with the poo stain in my underwear. I went downstairs to eat.
~End of POV~

~Alex's POV~
When I woke up I checked my Twitter, I just hit 21.000 followers! They follow us because we like to make covers on YouTube. I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, but then the bath was overflowing. Right away I knew, Josh was behind all this mess. So I yelled his name to come and clean the bath. After he finally cleaned it up. I took a quick shower. I changed into a crop top that said "Rock and roll" with a guitar, after I put on some high waisted shorts. For my hair i just did a quick messy bun. After getting ready I went downstairs due to the smell of bacon and eggs.

~End of POV~

*in the in kitchen*
Jen: Alex can you set up the table, please?
Alex: Okayy... Sure
Josh: What college are you guys going to?
Jen: we don't know yet. We will search when we get there.
Alex: JOSHHHH!! why are you coming with us anyway? Don't you have a girlfriend to "play" with?
Josh: ummm.. I HAD a girlfriend.
Jen: are you serious? TELL US THE TRUTH. *jen went out and clean around the house*
Josh: Whatt? That is the truth
Alex: Are you sure?!?! *grabs phone out and goes to an app* this app will know if your lying or nahh.
Josh: WTF? What kind of app is this? If it says no it's not gonna be correct. You know there lies, right?
Alex: *grabs Josh's finger and tests it* It says no.
Jen: *runs back to the kitchen* DID IT SAY YESS?? Or nahh?
Alex: Nah..
Jen: Okay guys.. Let's sort this out in the airplane... CLEAN UP TIME!
Alex: I call downstairs!
Josh: I call Upstairs!
Jen: and I call here😭 we only have an hour felt.
~ End of Conversation~

*everyone cleans up and rushed outside after*
*in the airplane*
~Jen's POV~
It is "5:15am" and we are on the plane already. Me and Alex are beside each other and Josh was beside a random girl but she was very pretty. Josh was talking to her but to me, he looks like he's flirting with her. Alex and I were watching many movies like "the fault in our stars, big hero 6, the maze runner & etc, but then Alex fell asleep. When I looked at Josh, I saw him do the old school trick into putting his arm around her while they were watching a movie. I'm so tired, I said good night to Josh and fell asleep.
~End of POV~

Thanks for reading our fanfic:)
I hope you like the second chapter.. If you have any ideas or question, please comment. OH YEAHH!! Pleaseee share our fanfic with your friends or family member or whatever..
Lub ya💕
- Mei🐟 & Xy🐷

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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