Chapter Eight- Interlude [Part One]

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 The next day no-one would look at me.

 I had woken up in the bathtub after a long night of pacing backwards and forwards, whispering to myself. Most of it was sort of a blur, though I could distinctly recall twice wandering into Jake’s room and yelling at him to not listen to me. He would then escort me back to the bathroom, fail at calming me down, and retreat, defeated.

 Upon waking up in the morning the first thing of interest I’d found was my phone… in pieces… in the sink… which was filled up with water. Thinking back I could vaguely remember being certain that I was typing in the correct password but it refusing to unlock- obviously leading to a fit of rage. I had sighed, drained the sink and left the debris to air out for a while.

 Then I had meandered downstairs to where I was now, sat at the kitchen table, staring straight ahead of me in a sort of defiance. Everyone else had their heads bent as they munched on breakfast foods in silence. If they hadn’t heard me talking to myself for most of the night, George had probably informed them all of how I’d fucked up. I looked at each of them individually and every single one of my brothers glanced away.

 “This is bullshit, man-” I started.

 “Just shut up.” George ordered. “Please.”

 I sniffed and then slowly pushed my chair back from the table. George sighed but I ignored him; if he wasn’t going to try and work things out then I wasn’t either. As I entered the hallway I heard the distinctive screech of a wooden chair against tile flooring and a single pair of footsteps rushing to follow me. Just before I reached the front door, I turned around and saw Jake.

 “Look, about last night-” I started to speak but apparently people had a penchant for cutting me off today.

 “We’ll talk about it later. I know you need to… go clear your head, or whatever.” he said with a smile. “I just wanted to make sure you were going to come home here.”

 I paused. “Sure, Jake.”

 “No.” he stated. “Promise me.”

 Pausing again, I looked him dead in the eye before speaking. “I promise.”

 A somewhat sympathetic expression crossed his face and I quickly grabbed my skateboard which was lying beside Jake’s next to the door and left before he could start talking about his feelings. There would be time for that later- right now I just wanted to skate around for a while.

 Outside the air was icy and I wished I’d thought to grab a jacket before heading out. Nevertheless I refused to go back home for a few hours, trying to convince myself that the skating would warm me up enough. The streets were empty of people and cars and I wondered what time it was; you never really knew at Jake’s house.

 I thought about that for a second. Jake’s house. When I’d moved in for the first time it had instantly transformed into my house, our house- but now it was just like I was a stranger renting a room. All I wanted was to feel the same as everyone else, for our personalities to click as well as they used to… but I was different now, and so were they. We were all growing up. Or growing apart.

 After circling our side of town a few times I ended up heading over to the park as usual. Stopping momentarily at the park gates, I looked over the wet grass and wondered if it was worth getting soaked just to sit under my favourite tree. As my eyes scanned the surroundings I saw someone waving to me from one of the benches, making up my mind as to whether or not I should go in.

 As I got closer I could see who was waving to me; Bex. There was something about her, though, something different… and the nearer I got, the more I saw what it was. She was different. A light brown jacket made from some strange fabric was done up over a dark purple and white patterned dress, the hem of which stopped way above her knees. Thin black tights meant that her skinny legs were still very much on show, and just above the top of some brown high-heeled boots I could see a small strip of grey socks. Her hair was straightened, her makeup was toned down and she looked normal.

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