"Yea thanks" I said walking towards the microwave. Tonio walked in as he walked out.

"What was that about" he asked frowning.

"What"? I asked. He looked at me before dropping it.

"Never mind but anyway, I need you to take Amber out today and make sure she find a bomb ass dress to wear tonight" he said. I nodded my head.

"What's happening tonight" I asked.

"I'm trusting you, with this piece of information" he said looking at me seriously. I nodded my head in understanding. "I'm proposing at dinner tonight" he said in a whisper. As soon as he said it he put his hand over my mouth. My eyes lit up with excitement. "Don't say anything, just makes sure she's all dolled up for dinner tonight at 8" I nodded my head. He let me go and I started smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh Tonio. I'm happy for you brother" I said leaning in to give him a hug. He said thank you. The guys left so Tonio could finish his last minutes preparations for the proposal.

I walked back into my room where the girls were "Hey let's go shopping. I want to buy a new dress for dinner tonight" I said. Before he left Tonio cashed app me money to buy Amber's dress.

"Mmm, I already got a nice li dress picked out" Amber said.

"Well just come with me and maybe you'll find something else you like and then Amor can do our make up and we can take hella pictures and just show them bitches how you're supposed to leave Jamaica" I said, hoping it convinces her. She still didn't look convince. "I'll buy your dress" I said and that caught her attention.

"You paying for the cab too" she asked.

"Yes" I said rolling my eyes. She finally agreed to go.

Once at the mall, I told Amor about the proposal and we went to search for the perfect engagement dress. It was hard because Amber was so set on wearing her dress that she already packed to wear. It got to the point where Amor and I had to purchase a dress as well. We stilled made to sure to get something simple compared to hers. We finally got Amber to agree to getting a pink satin wrap dress and some clear chunky heels to match. I even made sure that her nails were on point.

After getting back to the house we only had an hour and half to get her ready. The guys were getting ready at the hotel room that Tonio had rented for the night.

"Where's the guys" Amber asked. I quickly answered.

"Micah got a little sick, so they stopped to make sure he was ok. They should be here any minute now" I said. I was hoping she wouldn't think to much into it. They were not coming.

Amber showed and after Amor did her make up and we helped her get dressed. She was looking so beautiful. I made sure to take plenty of pictures of her because this would be a night to remember. Once it was time to go I got ready to tell her another lie.

"Shit, Micah texted and said they won't be here for another 15 minutes because of traffic" I said sighing as if I was annoyed.

"Should we wait on them" Amor asked playing alone.

"We could but then we may miss our reservation, plus the car is already here" I sighed and looked as if I was thinking hard.

"We could just go ahead and head to dinner so we won't lose the reservations and then they can meet us there" Amber said. Bingo. She said exactly what I hopped she would say.

"I mean we could, I'll text him that" I said. I texted Tonio and told him we were on the way.

We walked out the house and got into the car and rode to the nice restaurant Tonio had picked out. It was beautiful. It was a patio styled restaurant, on the beach with candles and dim lighting. We were only a few feet away from the sand and we could see the ocean sparkling under the moon. Five minutes after we walked in the guys came.

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