chapter 1

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I opened my eyes to see my room still dim. The soft pitter-patter of rain sounded on my window. I smiled and stretched to crack my back. I pulled back my warm covers and slid out of bed. The light scent of alcohol filled the room. I ignored it. Grabbing a towel, I undressed and walked to the bathroom for a hot shower.

Stepping in, I set the temperature almost at its highest. I let the steaming water fall onto my shoulders and stream down my back for a while. It felt wonderful.

I wandered back into my room. I took my hair out of its slightly damp bun; it fell to caress my lower back. I dressed in a black skater skirt, a white falling in reverse sweater, and black and white converse, along with much black makeup. I rummaged around my art drawer for my headphones, grabbed my quija board backpack, phone, keys, and walked downstairs.

I found my twin brother asleep on the couch surrounded by beer bottles. 'That was the smell, then,' I thought to myself. "Poor baby. First day of school and you drank all night." I moved the bottles away and took one out of his hand, setting it on the coffee table.

I shook him softly. "Jackson..wake up, there's school today." He grunted and opened his eyes slowly. He flung himself into a sitting position. "What happened?!" He demanded.

"I think you drank a little last night, Jack.." I said softly.

He gave me a look that almost made me burst into tears. "I-i'm sorry sis...last night I just..I couldn't take it.." he started to tear up.

"Shh, its okay, it's okay." I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him. He rested his head on my shoulder.

Jackson had a drinking problem. Though we were only 17, we lived on our own most of the time so no one could stop him from buying alcohol. Since our parents committed suicide, we'd been living with our grandma (who was very absentminded and rarely ever spoke to us unless she needed food). He blamed himself for what our parents did, even though we were only 11 at the time, he believes that he caused them to do what they did. It haunted him so he took up drinking to make himself feel better.

"Lets get you ready for school, Jack." He nodded and I helped him stand. He was a little woozy but for the most part, sober. I led him upstairs and into his room. He stripped down to boxers and I threw him a pair of skinny jeans, a blink 182 tee, and a pair of old beat up black vans.

He dressed and grabbed his backpack, phone, and a beer. I smacked his hand lightly and set the bottle down. "No." I walked downstairs yet again with Jackson trailing behind me. "Starbucks?" I asked.

"Starbucks." He replied. I locked the door behind us and ran to our car (trying to avoid getting wet). We ordered once we got in the drive through of the delicious smelling coffee shop and off to school we went.

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