[Sadie] A Soul Trip Gone Wrong

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*taps mic* Hullo? Is this thing on? 

Right, well I suppose we should explain some things.

(Yea, I know, Captain Obvious.) Carter says I should make this recording quick, we still have to run from- nevermind, let's just start.

In our last recording, we left things a tad...vague, dare I say, even mysterious. I know, I know, it was supposed to be our last tape ever, but our circumstances have taken a dramatic turn. Once you're done listening, you'll see just how.

Now, where to start? Naturally, it all started with my ba, or soul as normal mortals like to call it, leaving my sleeping body. Yup, just a normal night at the Brooklyn House.

Unlike all the other times where my ba took the form of a bird's body with my human head intact, I realised this time, I could manipulate the bird form into changing to my normal body. I didn't understand how I managed to do it, since doing so required a lot of will power that I didn't possess without the power of Isis, but I wasn't complaining; at least it saved me the embarrassment of looking like a chicken if I happened to bump into anyone I knew.

The strong winds willed my ba through the Duat and after what seemed like forever, it finally stopped at the place I least expected to wind up in. 

My breathe hitched as I took in the familiar landscape before me. The place looked better than when Carter and I first arrived about four years ago. I say four years, but it felt like forever ago after everything we'd been through over the last few years. The world literally almost ended, yet standing in the Hall of Judgement and knowing who I was probably about to see, suddenly fighting a giant serpent to save the world from eternal Chaos seemed so much more preferable. Then there was the whole thing with Walt and- god, I can't even talk about it without tearing up. Okay, I was not going to go there, not now. 

Stone pillars stood tall around the circular chambers I found myself in, and stationed at the end of the room was a throne, currently empty but is usually occupied by my dad, aka Osiris, the god of the Underworld. At the center of the room sat golden scales that I knew all too well, which gleamed with pride. Sleeping beneath the Scales of Truth was a small-sized creature, the first familiar face I saw.

"Poochiekins!" I knew it wasn't wise to yell in the Hall of Judgement, much less yell something as cutesy as my nickname for the the devourer of hearts, but I just couldn't help myself. It had been so long since I last saw Ammit, I was really starting to miss the little guy.

(Carter says I shouldn't call him 'little guy' because he is a she and she actually sizes up when she has to eat hearts of the wicked. Whatever. I'm pretty sure Ammit is a he and I'll continue regarding him as such.)

The poodle-sized creature opened his eyes and bounced awake as I approached him, yipping happily as I pet his crocodile head.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" I chuckled as I rubbed his belly but immediately froze as I heard someone cough right behind me.

Still crouching down with Ammit on his back, I turned around to find myself staring at a familiar pair of soft brown eyes. Standing before me was the god of hotness himself- I mean the god of gorgeous eyes! No, wait, I mean-

(Yes, thank you for the reminder, Carter. Sheesh. You guys can't see but I'm currently rolling my eyes at him.)

As I was saying, standing before me was the jackal-headed god himself, Anubis, god of death and funerals. He appeared in his teenager form, dressed in his black t-shirt, jeans and denim jacket. As usual, his black hair was tousled as if he had just gotten out of bed, which was an annoying sight because that's what made him look a hundred times hotter.

I quickly realised I must have been gaping at him and didn't even notice he was holding out his hand to help me get up.

Blushing profusely, I grabbed his hand and hoisted myself up. "Thanks," I muttered, making sure to look down so he wouldn't see my super red face.

"It's no problem, Lady Kane." I didn't have to look at his face to sense a hint of amusement in his voice, which only made me blush even harder. 

Come on, Sadie, what is wrong with you?! I thought to myself before shoving down all the feelings I was going through at that moment. Instead, I re-surfaced some old feelings of resentment I harboured towards the god.

Two years. It had been two years since I last saw and heard from Anubis. Not a single ba call while I slept, not even a simple message every time I visited the graveyard near the Brooklyn House, which was quite a number of times, I admit. But I was desperate to reach out to him. There was no one else I wanted to talk to about what happened with Walt, and no one else was as connected to him as Anubis was, literally. I understood that communications between the gods and magicians were limited, but not impossible, especially if a god wanted to talk. Like this situation in particular.

I decided to stroll around the room while talking. "So? Why'd you bring me here?" I could tell that the coldness in my voice momentarily shocked Anubis, but he quickly regained his calm composure and even had the guts to look more amused. 

"What makes you think I was the one who summoned you here?"

I snorted. "Well, not to be Captain Obvious, but there's no one else here except you. Unless Ammit summoned me." The thought of that made me briefly smile to myself as I looked up at Osiris' throne, but the smile was quickly replaced with a scowl as soon as I caught myself. I was supposed to be mad at him.

"Very well. Yes, I brought you here. There's a matter I wanted to discuss about with you." Anubis was now taking strides to my direction. Shocked at the sudden movement, I started walking the opposite direction.

"And you couldn't have just popped in at the Brooklyn House, knocked on the door and said, 'Hullo, I'm here to see Sadie'?" I picked up my walking pace when I noticed Anubis starting to walk a little faster towards me. Call me childish as many times as you want, I was not about to let Anubis' within my personal space.

"You know I wouldn't have been able to do that, Sadie," he replied, momentarily disappearing behind the scales.

"Oh yea? And why not?" I was so confused by how he simply vanished when I suddenly bumped right into his chest. I yelped and stumbled backwards, but me being the elegant clutz that I am, I tripped over my own foot. I know, I'm such a picture of sophisticated grace.

I was about to hit the ground hard when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist. I looked up to see Anubis had caught me mid-fall and I caught myself staring right back into his eyes. The scene would've been utterly romantic if Ammit wasn't loudly snoring in the background. Just lovely.

"Um..." I started. Thankfully Anubis got the hint and hoisted me up, letting go of my waist while muttering sorry. I narrowed my eyes at him when I noticed he wouldn't meet my eyes and realised he was blushing. 

The god of the dead? Blushing? That couldn't be right.

Yet there he was, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head as he scanned our surroundings, despite already knowing every inch of this room like the back of his hand.

I sighed. "Look, Anubis, just cut to the chase. What do you want?"

He jumped a little, as if having forgotten that I was still there. He then coughed. "Right, first, let's go somewhere more homey."

He extended his hand for me to take while he opened up a portal in front of us with his other hand. Reluctantly, I grabbed hold of his hand and together we went through the portal, momentarily engulfing us in darkness.

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