Chapter 2: A Realization

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Rey's POV:

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I just could not get past the feeling that I was missing something, 'or someone.' I hear a voice say somewhere in my head. This feeling was starting to drive me insane, I needed to know what it was. I was pacing in the little room that I currently occupied on the Falcon. I started pacing at some time in the night, trying to remember anything I might be forgetting. I abruptly stopped my pacing when I remembered how often I used to watch Ben do the same thing. When our force bond connected us in the beginning back when we were trying to brainstorm ideas on how to control it, I could have sworn this is all I ever saw him doing. BB-8 beeps at me and I snap back to reality. He must have entered my room at some point in my pacing, "Sorry BB-8, I know I have been acting strange but I can't shake this feeling that I am missing something." I gave up on what I was forgetting for now and decided it's time I headed back to the Resistance base. Not that they need much of my help with anything at the moment but it would be nice to check in on them and see how things are going. Plus it would be nice to see Finn and Poe again now that they are the two new generals and all.

Luke's POV:

I watch Ben take a seat in the co-pilot chair next to Rey in the Millennium Falcon. He sits as he used to when he was little, sitting straight up but still somehow slightly hunched over; however, he looks more distraught and defeated than ever as he attempts to talk to Rey. I can not help but feel sorry for them both. "They are gonna be alright won't they?" Leia asks, after sneaking up behind me. "If anyone could figure this out it's those two," I reply, doing my best to sound optimistic. I leave Leia to watch over her son in peace as I walk back to where the others are having a meeting in the captain's quarters. We throw around some ideas on what could be keeping Ben trapped wherever he is but we end up coming up short. 'If only we had more information on dyad bonds.' I thought to myself.

Ben's POV:

I watched as Rey began to fly the Falcon with ease when I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. Before I even have time to process what's going on, I'm ripped from the co-pilot chair by my grandfather staring intently at me. "Didn't you and Rey used to be able to speak telepathically to each other or something of that nature?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow. "Yes, why?" I ask slightly puzzled by the question. "We haven't been able to reach her because it's not our guidance she seeks, it's your's Ben. You haven't been able to project yourself because you're not a ghost but just maybe..." I feel like I have just been slapped in the face. "Yes! Why didn't I think of that?" I say cutting off my grandfather. My heart starts to swell with hope. The hope at the thought that just maybe I would be able to help her even if it's in small ways. "Ben that's why we are all here, to help you figure all this out until you find your place." My grandfather says. "Plus it's never easy to think straight when it comes to the person you love." My mother pipes in. That four-letter word hits me like a ton of bricks. "I ... I ... I love her." I say out loud, I'm full of shock that it took me this long to finally realize it. That is why I used all my life force to save Rey back on Exagol. It's been bugging me that I couldn't put a word to it and know that I know I want nothing more than to get back to her to let her know.

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