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[through remus lupin's phone]

unknown number
2 january 2020, 2:03 a.m.

unknown number;
hey :))


do i know you..?

unknown number;

unknown number;
to be fair, i don't know
you either

then how'd you get
my number??

and why the FUCK are
you texting me at two in
the fucking morning??

unknown number;
okay well long story short

unknown number;
my friends and i were
playing truth or dare

yikes that usually doesn't
end well

unknown number;
pffffft true

unknown number;
anyways, my best mate
dared me to type a random
number into my phone and
text it

unknown number;
of course, this was a few
hours ago that he dared
me to do this

unknown number;
(i just held off doing it
like i usually do with
everything else)

unknown number;
i typed in a random number
and boom!! we're talking now

oh yay i just happen to be the
oh so lucky person to be texted
on this fine "morning"

unknown number;
yes!! you're very lucky
to be texted by me,
random stranger

i hope you know that
was sarcasm

unknown number;
i TOTALLY knew that
was sarcasm what are
you talking about hahaha

no you didn't

unknown number;

unknown number;
right you are, random

not to toot my own
horn, but i usually am

unknown number;
ooh you're cocky, aren't

believe or not, i'm literally
the most insecure person
on this planet

i am not cocky at ALL

unknown number;

unknown number;
i refuse to believe that

unknown number;
you seem like a very
cocky person


there's no use in arguing
with you over this, is there??

unknown number;
you get me already,
random stranger!!

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