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Big sister pov

The sister continued to pet the child's head smiling inside her helmet, it was glowing a soft pinkish color that she had never had before

She shrugs it off and just watched the child, they were hers now, at least that's how she saw it

She looks around the room, it wasn't very big but it was enough space for both of them, she had food and water for a few more weeks between them both

She closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep

Splicer pov

This particular splicer thought himself very lucky, he was literally everything but that but he didn't die so he had something going for him

He had found a hidden room and had seen one of those big sisters, he knew they had Adem, and lots of it

He had gone around and got together a little group of others he was willing to work with, they had four all together, one of them a big guy who had claimed to have killed a big daddy before

The lead splicer brought them to the hidden room
splicer: ready?

They nod as he forces open the door

Big sister pov

The sister woke instantly, shit, she didn't think anyone would find this place

She placed the still sleeping child in a back corner and threw a blanket over them

Her helmet went red with her anger and she confronted the idiots who invaded her home

She dropped from the ceiling onto one of them

She growls and her hands light ablaze

She grabbed the biggest one and torched his face so much that it crumbled to ash

She plunged her syringe through the other ones head

Finally she stomped crushing the skull of the one she had landed on

Unfortunate one of them had gotten away, shit!

She couldn't stay here, they would come back stronger

She lets out an angry screeching before returning to the child

They were awake and scared but she had no time to think about it as she put them into the cage on her back and ran

(Sorry it's been so long)

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now