An unexpected lifestyle

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I don't know what happened, but Asher barged into my room, talking loudly.

"You and you, get your shit and get out," I heard Asher say as I laid on the bed out of it.

I felt movement, but everything was foggy. Then someone smacked my face a few times.

"Landon, wake up," Asher said, patting my face.

I sat up in bed, naked, and hungover. Rubbing my face, Asher picked up the pill bottle and looked at it.

"How many pills did you take?" Asher questioned.

"A few," I answered as I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. I needed coffee desperately. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a mug before pouring a cup of coffee.

As I sipped my coffee, Asher tossed bags and bottles onto the countertop. I said nothing.

"Do you mind explaining what the hell you are doing?" Asher questioned.

"Not particularly, no," I replied, drinking my coffee.

"Landon, this shit is toxic and a one-way ticket to nowhere. Do you want to end up like the others?" Asher asked me.

"I can handle it. The others couldn't," I remarked.

Asher looked at me and shook his head. I had control of the pills. A year ago, I found it challenging to keep up the schedule I had at work. My sleep schedule became messed up, and another dance name Keith offered me help with the situation. You take sleeping pills to help you relax and counteract it with speed to wake you up. It worked for a while until my body got used to it the pills, then I moved to something stronger.

I finished my coffee, then went to the bathroom to get ready. I locked the door, opened the medicine cabinet, and pulled out a small container. I used a nail file to take out some substance and sniffed it, giving it a few minutes before it took effect. As I said, I had control. I did enough to keep me going, but not enough to alert anyone.

I put my stash away and got into the shower. Tonight was a big night since it was ladies' night, and the VIP room would be busy.

"Landon," Asher said, knocking on the door.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Hurry, before we're late," Asher told me.

I turned off the shower and got out, drying off, then getting dressed. We left, and Asher drove me to the club. I got out and strolled inside, making my way over to Tasha.

"Give me a bourbon, Tash," I ordered.

Tasha gave me a look and shook her head. She put a tumbler onto the bar top and poured bourbon in it. I snatched up the glass and gulped down the liquid, letting it flow down my throat. I set the tumbler down and went to my dressing room.

Candace made a beeline for my dressing room, and I was picking out an outfit.

"Is there a reason why your crusty ass is in my dressing room?" I questioned, not bothering to look at Candace.

"I'm growing impatient with you, Landon," Candace mentioned, standing there annoyed.

"Why because I won't let you hop on my prick?" I asked, finding an outfit.

"I could strip you of everything," Candace threatened.

I walked over and leaned into Candace. "Your threats don't work with me. I'm your money maker. So, run along you washed up has been," I said, waving Candace off.

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