Opal got MAD at the fact we didn't hit them, so mad that they yelled: "FUCK! YA DIDN'T HIT EM!"

"NO FUCKING CURSING AROUND MY CHILDREN YOU BITCHES!!" Vel just screamed and boy~ oh boy~ are things gonna get spicy!

It's Ozzie's turn to be mad as hell now. "THE FUCK DID YOU CALL MY SHIT BAGS?!" They yelled at Vel as he strode over.

Vel turned into a dragon and growled, PLOT TWIST!

Ozzie just grabbed the nearest kid, witch was Azer And ordered his to spit, which he did and completely drenched Vel in acid. 

Vel's now venom and spat the acid back at us so we scattered and yelled curses at Ozzie and Vel.

Okay so I think one of them turned into a wolf cause I hear howling and- "HOLY SHIT A DRAGONS GONNA KILL MAROON!"  I yelled running towards the 2 and I grabbed a random weapon from the ground- it's a mace- and continued running.

Then mAgIc picked my glorious ass up and I heard Vel scream something as the dragon who retreated. Now Vels coming here and uh I'm in deep shit.

"Hello Vel, how ya doing?" I asked, why did I have to get up today?

Vel got mad and smacked me with her tail, knocking one my eyes out.
Ah shit.. I can feel the X growing.

Screw morals I started yelling at the top of my lungs in tamadako.

Vels glitching out, the dragon is yelling at em in dream demon and the 2 wee ones are scared at hell.

I stop and throw the 2 of them to the side using my telekinesis and went inside the house to look for pain killers, damn these Xs hurt..

I hear screams and I think I got hit In The head with a toilet.

"Y'now you can't get rid of someone who's already dead?"

"Well bitch! Let's see how'd you like like to see my Grandpa! In hell!" The thing yelled in a demonic voice.

"I'll get Ozzie to seduce him again." I retorted, thinking about that fun ride.

"Lets see how Abuela responds to that!" She? Said in a triumphant voice, god I just wanna kill her.

"Nothing will happen to me, I didn't seduce Satan."

SONIC BOOM! Everyone went silent as another dream demon yelled on about how we made Xavia cry. "Why should we care?" Peri stated as they tried to bandage the wound on there shoulder.

Said dream demon went to comfort the other one, and asked about 'mami?' Think thats Vel But still: " GOOD JOP PERI!"

The smol thing went big and healed Vel.

Happy Reunion blah blah blah don't really care Vels coughing up black blood I'm gonna die.

Now there crying?
This is quite sad.

Then peri snapped.
"Why should we pity you?! Why should we pity creatures like you when we've went though things you can only imagine?! Why should we pity creatures who have protection?!"
Mate I need popcorn-

Bill Cipher showed up?? "Because even though they might have the protection of others, they can't protect their friends."

"When did you get here bill?" Vels weak ass voice asked.

"why should we pity creatures who are SAFE?" Oh hooo this is getting good!

"Theyre not safe! No one is ever safe! Even trying to think that one is safe can put you in even more danger!" Bill retorted. Damn- I cant tell if there arguing of if this is a therapy session?

How I met trendeman.( feat. Vel_cipher) (feat. Feat. A fuck load of OCs)Where stories live. Discover now