Firts day on the job

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I groaned in my sleep knowing Vel turned on the lights. "Velllll turn of the ligggght!" I groaned

"No! Now get up we have work to do!" Vel practically shouted as she dragged me out, and threw me and some clothes in the bathroom.

"Remember we only have 5 minutes before one of the slender brothers come in here to tell us the assignment!" Vels muffled voice rang through the door. Shit

I quickly shoved on what was there:my faded purple patchwork hoodie, my bloodstained black and white star shirt, black knee shorts and a pair of grey socks. Then I flattened my black hair over my 6 eyes only making the black stuff run out them more, groaning I scratched my horns and left the bathroom only to be met with someone who looked like slender but he looked...stylish?

"Ah hello, you must be the new recruits?" It? He? Wherever it was said.

"Yes sir, I'm Vel and that very...unsettling person over there is Azure." Vel said, way to happily, I forced my face to smile, showing two rows of sharp, bloodstained teeth.

"Despite my brothers lack of fashion sense, he knows how to pick scary people." It said "I'm trendeman, nice to meet you." Trenderman spoke, holding out a Hand, I took it.

Vel came back in the room, Unbeknownst that she left, muttering " get your ASS out there and fix that." And then she collapsed in the doorway.we went in the hallway and it was a sight.

Jeff was being chased by Jane and Nina and he was screaming in Spanish, eyeless jack was trying to remove laughing Jack's kidneys muttering about 'there can only be one jack', sonic and Ben we're in a full on wrestling match trying to see who was the better demonic video game character, slender and splender looked like they were about to kill offender because he was trying to seduce sally and Lazari was trying to set fire to the curtains.

"Is this what happens every morning?" I asked trender. "No this only happened on good days.." trender replied.

"Oh and about your-." Trender started but I cut him off. " one minute." I stated. I went and got a bucket, filled said bucket about ice cold water and threw it at Vel, waking her up.

"DUDE WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Vel screamed at me. " assignment." I simply stated.

"Your assignment for today is.." trender said a second time.

Well hello again!
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter and new followers:

And as always comments, criticisms and complements are welcome!

Until next time!
You majestic narrator,

How I met trendeman.( feat. Vel_cipher) (feat. Feat. A fuck load of OCs)Where stories live. Discover now