Sin time

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"Why are we in hell?"

"That's for me to know and you to out."

Currently me and Vel were in hell.(that rhymed keep it going people) She had no idea what was going on and I'm grateful that I didn't bring anyone else!

"Ah here we are, sevens mansion." I said, happy to be home. "Do you live here? cause if you do I'm scared." Vel muttered, shaking slightly.

"Yes I live here."

Oh okay then, are we gonna go in"

A loud bang was heard from inside the house, causing me to kick the door and bellow at the top of my lungs "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN 'ERE?!"

Inside there were seven males, who I male with lavender hair wearing prince-like clothing, boasting about what-not. Looking out the window was a very suspicious looking fellow with straggly green hair with a house-coat on, muttering to himself. You could only see a tug of orange hair behind the couch and some munching noises. Some sort of red, yellow, dark and light blue tornado was in the corner.

"Right fellows I have an experiment that will benefit you all! I said catching all of attention.

"I will turn 3 of you into females and I want you to breed." I stated bluntly. "What's in it for us?" Envy asked.

"Lust already knows what's in it for him." I said it in the Direction of a very horny man with nothing but a black speedo on, not hiding his boner. At. All.

"Pride has something else he can brag about, Envy will have something no one else has, gluttony has another person to supply him with food, sloth gets a pillow, greed has a new trophy and anger get a new punching bag. Sound good?" I said knowing all to well I wouldn't supply those things, they are so easy to manipulate.

"Darling, how you gonna turn us into girls?" Lust asked. "A potion." I reply.

"Did you test it out?" Vel asked me, snapping out of her trance caused by Envy. "I know it works I tried it on slendy a few years back. It went successfully but it took longer to wear off because slendy hit his period whilst he was a girl." I reply, tear in my eye as I remembered all the stuff that happened.

I handed out the potion to lust,Envy and sloth. They drank it and several pain filled minutes later, they were fully female.

"Look at how big my tits are. Anger, Gluttony. Come. I want to be fuked. Lust demanded and as predicted, they followed. Sloth and anger went to a different room and so did pride and envy.

"Cmon Vel we'll come back in nine months and see what the out come is." I said as the slapping of moist cheeks could be heard. "Okay" He replied.

We stepped thought the portal just to be dragged black in by the sins... you can continue this the comments.


I know that i said I wouldn't be doing this book anymore but I did anyway!

The best (and most sinful) continuation wins a shot-out and gets put in the book! Just so you know the potion wore of so I got yoinked by Envy and lust got Vel! Have fun getting creative!

And as always comments, criticisms and complements are welcome!

Until next time!
Your majestic narrator,

How I met trendeman.( feat. Vel_cipher) (feat. Feat. A fuck load of OCs)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt