Chapter 12: Deployment

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December 23rd - This chapter is dedicated to Paolo Mazza, on his birthday.

Today was the day that Paolo had to leave. We all tried our hardest not to cry as he was forced to leave. He hugged each of us. Giorgio, and Paolo would be leaving for Berlin to fight against the Axis hurting the Jews. It was what Giorgio, and Paolo had to do to stay alive. God knows what our fates our.

"We will miss you" Magdalene said.

"I will miss you too" Paolo replied.

"Time to leave" Giorgio whispered.

Paolo nodded as he looked at me.

"I promise I will come back" he said.

He turned away, and walked off until he became smaller, and finally disappeared around the corner. Paolo was gone. Gone to fight in the war.


It had been a week since Paolo had left for Berlin. I was eager to receive a letter from him, telling me that everything was all right. Everyone knew how dangerous the fighting could be. We have even suffered many bombings in the area. Every time I would have to stay inside. Away from all else, as Magdalene, and Margot were terrified I would be recognized by anyone. Before I had Paolo, and Avraham with me to reassure me. Keep me safe.

"Rivka" a voice said.

I turned and saw Magdalene by the door, a worried look on her face.

"I have made dinner" she said.

I turned back to the window. Foolish to think, I believed if I stared out the window long enough, I would see Paolo turn the corner. Coming home from war at any moment. But alas...

Days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years.


It was a warm day outside. At least it was, according to Magdalene. Margot had gone out to get the mail, and when she arrived back she called

"A letter for Rivka!"

We all knew that Paolo would be the only one sending me a letter. Margot handed it to me, and I read the name on the envelope.

Blair Greenberg

My German Roman Catholic alias.

"It has to be from Paolo" I said.

Magdalene, and Margot nodded as they went to sit down. I tore open the letter.

Dear Blair,

These last few weeks in a foreign country have been strange. I have missed you, and Mother, and Margot. How is everybody? I have no idea when the war will be over. Hopefully soon, but there is no end in sight. I hope you are finding a source of joy amongst this war. I wish I could write more. Next letter my love. Like I said, I promise to return to you. I love you.


Paolo Mazza

JUNE 1944...

Over the past couple of months, no one had gotten much sleep. There was fighting all around us. But we did not mind. We knew it would mean that we would soon be freed from German control. I remember this day in June very vividly. It was the seventh, and I had woken up early in the morning. We were sitting our the table eating breakfast. I had finally worked up the courage to keep food down. The guilt of wondering where Paolo was, and if he had enough to eat haunted me, and prevented me from sleeping in my cot, or eating any of the meals Magdalene had cooked. There was a knock on our door.

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