t w e n t y - t w o

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"Don't play wit' me like that nigga. You know I'm allergic to anything that has to do with the penal system." He jokes, I laugh lightly even though I didn't find it funny.

"I had to make sure, you questioning me like I'm on trial bruh. But I got a few moves to make. I'll catch up wit' y'all later bro."

"Bet, come by me so you can lace me up bro." He claps me up before turning around slightly to dab Arique. "Aight, Bubba. I'll catch y'all later."

Shit get weirder and weirder by the day, I swear. I sigh out loud at the thought. Arique hops out of the backseat and into the front. He buckles up his seatbelt and looks out of the window pouting.

"What y'all was talkin' about?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"He was apologizing for some shit he said to me before." He says with an indifferent tone, which is not like him.

"Fuck wrong wit'chu?" I ask him pulling out in the street to drive off.

"I know I fucked up plenty, and you may still be mad at me, but I don't appreciate you referring to me as no bitch." He said in a low tone.

"Hop out yo' chest my nigga. I jus' had to get the nigga Weasel off my tail. You and I both know you ain't no bitch." I reassure him.

"I felt like you said that shit wit' some hostility though." He says.

"And if I did I'm justified. The reason we even in this shit is because yo' ass wasn't listenin'."

"And for that I apologize, I am new to this shit, Delontae." He huffs out in frustration.

"Like I said before, some shit is common fuckin' sense. But I guess common sense ain't so common."

"How the fuck is that common sense, Delontae?" He gets an attitude, looking at me in the side of my face.

"You needa chill wit' that cussin' at me shit, Arique." I tell him sternly.

"But yo' ass can cuss at me?! Tuh! You got me and life fucked up." Then he starts to mumble more shit out loud to himself like a crazy person. "Muh fucka cussin' at me and talkin' to me like I'm fuckin' dumb or somethin'."

"Who you talkin' to, Arique?"

He looks around the car sarcastically. "Looks like we the only two muh fucka's in here, take ya pick nigga."

"Shit, yo' crazy ass must be talkin' to ya'self, 'cause I know fa' damn sho' you ain't talkin' to me like that." I look at him briefly before looking back at the road.

"I'm talkin' to yo' highlighter bright ass nigga."

"You better watch yo' tone." I tell him in a tone that broaches no argument. His defiant ass ain't catch on though.

"Or what, you ain't checkin' shit this way." He looks me in my eyes daring me to say or do something. Since we at a light I can stare him down hard.

"Aight, keep on." I look away because the car behind me honks the horn, and I see the light has turned green.

"You don't run shit this way, Delontae. Yo' ass better focus on that damn wheel." He sits back like he won.

He is so damn bold right nih. "Yo' ass lucky we ain't on'at level no mo', otherwise yo' ass would be singing a different tune when I check you."

"No nigga, yo ass is lucky we ain't on'at level no mo'. Better check yo' damn self. Tuh! What the fuck he thought?"

I nod my head, turning into the WalMart and heading straight for the back. I put my car in park and grab him by the front of his neck. "You know good and damn well I'll fuck you up in here. I'an busted off in a fuckin' month or better and I'm real tense. I suggest yo' ass shut the fuck up 'fore I have you soundin' like the bitch you thought I called you." I say in a low tone in his ear.

I'll Ride For You, HomieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin