Chapter 11

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They were blind. Darkness was everywhere.

Gandalf lit his staff as the Fellowship strode into the cave. The floor was littered with dirty brown bones. Skulls lay upon the jagged stone stairs. Broken armor cover some of the skeletons, some had weapons protruding from them. Gimli was one of the last to notice this. He cried out in agony for his fallen kin. Legolas took out an arrow from one of the carcasses and smelt it. "Goblins." Legolas pulled out his bow; Aragorn set Elysium down and drew his sword, taking his fighting stance.

"We make for the Gap of Rohan." Boromir demanded. He scowled at Aragon. "We should have never come here." The four hobbits backed out of the cave and stared in horror at the bones that were over flowing out of it. And then Frodo was pulled onto the water.


Andrew Chase sat on a light blue bed, fingering a beaded leather necklace, solemnly. Andrew sniffled, remembering each adventure they had gone on to receive a bead. He sat on his girlfriend's bed, in her medium sized cabin, in Camp Half-blood, in New York.

Percy had been missing for over 18 months.

21 days.

3 hours.

37 minutes.

She was gone. Just gone.

Both camps had done everything in their power to look for her, but it was just like last time when Hera had switched percy and Jason; it appeared as if she had disappeared off the face of the earth. There was a knock at the door. Andrew carefully placed the leather camp necklace on Percy's bedside table and opened the door. A boy with dirty blonde hair and eyes the color of the seas stood on the threshold. Maxwell Dustern, one of Percy's many siblings. Apparently Poseidon had been a little busy over summer.

"You're needed in the war room, Chase." The 14 year old said. It was an awkward walk to the Big House. Andrew and Maxwell weren't very close. In some ways they were the same. Maxwell was quiet and smarter than a child of Poseidon should be. When they talked it was usually about Percy or battle strategies. Before they could knock the barn's door swung open revealing an angry daughter of Ares.

"'Bout time you got here, Chase! We found her..."


Andrew Chase now knew what it felt like to float. It was an odd sensation, floating. Andrew felt as though he was free from the painful bonds that Percy's disappearance had caused him. Just those three words made him float. They had found her. Somehow his friends and fellow demigods had found the one person that made his world shine. Andrew didn't know how fast the floating could stop.

"But we're not sure if we can get her back." Clarisse continued. Andrew plummeted. The floating stopped. Now he was drowning. His knees felt weak. His vision blurred and spun. Maxwell had to grab ahold of the child of wisdom. He led Andrew through the doors of the baby blue barn and into the war room.

"Ah, Andrew, thank you for joining us." The old centaur smiled warmly at a numb Andrew Chase. Andrew, however, glared. "Why?"

"Pardon?" Chiron clopped his hooves nervously. He hated large conflict. The boy gritted his teeth. "Why can't we get her back? And where is she?"

Jason gave Andrew a pitying smile. "We aren't completely sure where exactly-" Andrew shot him a stormy glare. "Where and why?"

"She is in another dimension. Why? Hecate has forbidden us to travel through the dimensions since we must use her domain to travel." Chiron answered.

"Then why don't we do it without her knowing?" Travis asked. Conner hit the back of his head. "She'll know dimwit! Magic is her domain. She will know when we try."

"Well, we could always get the Hecate cabin to do a spell to cover it up, if that even exists." Piper added. Lou Ellen scowled. "There isn't a spell for everything, McLean." Lou shifted in her seat and crossed her arms. In a softer voice she said, "But there is one for that."


The large tentacle whipped Frodo from his feet and dragged him across the hard rock ground. The other three hobbits desperately tried to pull Frodo from the slimy tentacle. Samwise cut the arm in half, separating it from his friend. Frodo scooted back from the brook. All seemed well for a mere few seconds until more arms shot from the mucky water and slammed the hobbits, all but Frodo, away.

It was after the Ring. It grabbed Frodo's ankle and whipped him through the air. Multiple tentacles twisted their way to the Ring. Legolas shot them down with arrows while Aragorn swung his sword every which way. Up emerged a terribly disgusting face of a sea creature. Its many eyes pierced Frodo like one of Legolas' arrows. It opened it toothy mouth and roared, making the Ring-bearer scream even louder.

Boromir slashed through each arm and eventually slashed through the one dangling Frodo over its mouth. Frodo dropped into Boromir's arms and they ran for the mines, their only shelter.

Legolas fired one last arrow before scooping up the light body of Elysium, who had been unconscious for the whole situation. Legolas was glad, though; she didn't have to see the ghastly creature. They ran into the dim mines, maneuvering out of the way of the sea creature. Large, heavy rock collapsed onto its remaining arms.

Gandalf lit his staff. "We now have but one choice." He stated grimly. "We must face the long, dark Moria." He walked past each member, going further into the mines. "Be on your guard. There are older and far worse things than ors in the deep places of the world."

Each member of the Fellowship of the Ring, with the exception of Elysium, followed Gandalf, not knowing what lay deep in the mines that frightened the great wizard and if Elysium would survive and if they were going to succeed in their journey. But they were going to try. Even if hell itself stood in their way. If only they knew what was to come.

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