Another day and im somewere new

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As i walked in to the school my heart was beating faster than a drum. I was terrified of what the other kids would think of me. When i saw all the other students it made me nervous , they all looked the same. They all had the same type of clothes . I had converse , they had sneakers. They had blue jeans , i had black skinny jeans . They had plain T-shirts , i had band shirts . I had nothing in common with any of them . I felt so alone.

I was getting ready for first period. On my way to class a group of people came up to me and started teasing me about the way i looked and the way i dressed. I didn't have the guts to say anything so i just stood there , acting like i didn't care when on the inside i was crying for help.
I noticed a boy , hiding behind his locker staring at me getting teased . He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes . I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew how i felt . I could tell he wanted to say something , but I guess he just didn't have the guts too.

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