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"He did?" I was surprised. Nathan had led me back inside and properly introduced me to Susan. Apparently she was his crush in freshman year and they had dated for a while but it didn't work out hence the whole first wife thingy.

She assured me that they were just good friends and that he'd even told her about me. Plus she had a boyfriend. I apologized and said I was just jealous, she nodded and said she understood. Nate raised a brow when I said that but I totally ignored him.

"Yes. I've heard a lot about you."

"Hmm, this is getting interesting. I hope they're good stuff." I leaned on my palms propped up with my elbows.

"I'm right here ladies." He voiced out after being ignored several times when he cleared his throat.

He still got ignored as we talked about him. Susan was a nice person and I felt bad for having misjudged her since I saw her. But deep down, I still felt some uneasiness. Was it possible for two people who had once dated to be 'just friends'?

We finished eating and Nate dropped her off before taking me home. When he parked the car in front of my hostel, I scratched the back of my head as I thought of possible reactions he'd give to my next question.

"Do you mind if I sleep over at your place tonight?"

His face didn't give off any reaction, just a small crease on his forehead. "You have a paper tomorrow Nor."

"I know, I'll bring my books and change of clothes."

"Nora I don't th–"

"If it's about sex, you don't have to worry. I have a lot of topics to cover so I'll barely lift my head from my book."

"Okay, I'll wait while you get your stuff." I did a small wiggle and dashed out of the car, sprinting to my room.

I packed a small night bag with toothbrush, undies, powder and lipstick, ID card, charger, sleeping gown and clothes for tomorrow.

"Good luck on your exam tomorrow. " Bims said, she was reading with a lamp. It was her last paper tomorrow while I still have one more after tomorrow's paper. Mir was at her hostel, she also has her last paper tomorrow.

"Thanks. You too." Grabbing my books off the desk, I left the room. "Sorry for the delay." I apologized, getting into the car.

"No problem."

"Are you done with your exams?"

"Yes, had my last paper today. 'Twas hectic." I admired as he rolled the steering with ease and I wondered if it was that easy to drive.

"Congrats, graduate in the making. I envy you o, I still have two more years." I wiped fake tears from the corners of my eyes, puckering up my lips.

"Thanks boo boo."

I scoffed."Boo boo? It's supposed to be bae."

"Whatevs." He flicked his imaginery hair for effect.

"Did you just say whatevs? "

"Totes babes."

"Okay stop it. It's getting scary."


"What does that mean." My lashes fluttered as I tried to decode what he just said.

"What do you mean?"

"I said what does that mean? What you just said."

He rolled his eyes. "You're so dumb. It means, what do you mean!"

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