Chapter 13 - Secrets

Start from the beginning

'Thank god I decided to wear my sports bra and shorts underneath my onsie!' Thought Natsuki with a sigh of relief. Yuri took the cream out of Natsukis hands and she looked up at Yuri in confusion.

"Turn around, I'll help you with your back." Softly said Yuri, but her tone suggested she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Natsuki hesitated at first, but then gave up and turned around so Yuri could help. Yuri slowly pulled down Natsuki's onesie so she could see where she needed to put the cream and to her horror, nearly the whole of Natsuki's left side was bruises to the point it was black and purple. She felt like crying, but Yuri stayed strong and heled a warm smile on her face, not wanting to worry Natsuki in anyway. Everytime Yuri so much as lightly grazed Natsukis skin she would flinch flinch and shiver, so Yuri keept a very slow pace, worried about hurting Natsuki every second.

"A-Am I hurting you?" Nervously stuttered Yuri as she gracefully spread the cream delicately across Natsukis back.

"N-No! Your fine, I-Its just cold." Said Natsuki finding it hard not to moan or fall asleep at how soft this purple angels touches were.

'Has the old hag just been man handling me this whole time?! The bitch makes it hurt like hell whenever she helps me! Maybe I should ask Yuri to help me more often...' thought Natsuki accidentally letting out a relaxed sigh, without even noticing it. Yuri blushed at the cute noise but chose to leave them in their comfortable silence.

"Yuri...can you not tell anyone about this?" Asked Natsuki, breaking the silence.

"Why..." Whispered Yuri, leaning her hand to rest on Natsukis shoulder, causing the pinky to blush.

"I-I just don't wa-""why?" Interupted Yuri, talking more firmly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Yuri with hurt laced in her voice. Natsuki couldn't find it in herself to lie or tell the truth, the words just got stuck in her throat, then she felt something cold and wet run down her shoulder. Yuri was crying.

"..." Natsuki didn't know what to say, she felt overwhelmingly guilty.

"...I...I'm sorry..." Was all Natsuki could say. She suddenly felt soft arms wrap around her waist, gently pulling her towards something even warmed and softer.

"It's not your fault is it?" Asked Yuri. Natsuki again didn't know how to answer, she didn't even want to, so she gently helled heled onto Yuri's hands with her own.

"...I don't... I don't know." Said Natsuki truthful.

"Was it a box of gloves, or a box of shoes?" Asked Yuri in reality asking if it was punches or kicks. Natsuki didn't understand at first, but the tone Yuri used suggested there was something more to that question. Natsuki carefully thought over Yuri's words until she understood. Natsuki knew she couldn't keep not answering Yuri and had to say at least something.

"A-A box of s-shoes..." Quietly answered Natsuki, mimicking a mouse.

"Was it one box, or many boxes?" Firmly, but quietly asked Yuri.

" box..." Said Natsuki barely able to get the words out of her mouth, she almost felt out of breath at this point. Yuri could sense Natsuki's stress and slightly tightened the hug for reassurance.

"Can I ask one more question?" Quietly asked Yuri resting her head on Natsuki's.

"...y-yeah I-I think so..." Quietly said Natsuki leaning into Yuri's touches.

Yuri waited for Natsuki to be nice and comfortable, leaning Natsukis head on her shoulder. She decided to ask when Natsuki stopped breathing erratically and shaking.

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