#Feather 6

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The two looked confused. Iori couldn't believe he has meet a member of the Osaka and Yotsuba clan. He thought these clans are gone as well. He heard about this stories from his grandfather before, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Other the other hand, Riku was dumbfounded.
His not sure he should believe it anyways. His family? A part of some protector of a barrier thing? Demons?

"It's pretty surprising of how Iori-kun managed to enter our world." Sogo said,

"Nee, Iorin how did you even got here?" Tamaki asked,

"I... don't know" Iori answered. Actually that's his question. He doesn't know how he ended up in this world.

"I see..." Sogo mumbled,

The two where startled as they heard a loud ding dong sound coming from the clock.

"Ah Sou-chan we gotta go to work" Tamaki said,

Riku titled his head, "Eh? Work? But your not a working student, Tamaki." He said, "And isn't it a bit odd to be working at this kind of hour?"

Sogo smiled, "Because our 'work' is different from the others"


"Nee Sou chan" Tamaki said as he pulled out a katana. " Should we sharpen it? It's getting rusty"

"You can use the other kanata on the basement. We'll sharpen that later" Sogo said,


Riku's eyes widen, "Ka-katana!?" he said, "What are you going to do with that?"

"And why do you even have it in the first place?" Iori asked, "Wait I think I got it.."

"Ah.. thats because"

"We kill demons" Tamaki answered,


"Like how Iori-kun unknowingly entered the human world. There are still demons who are still in the human world ready to devour another innocent life. They usually appear on night time so its our job to kill this demons to prevent any humans on getting killed." Sogo stated,

"Thats why you shouldn't be going out in the middle of the night. Especially if your alone" Sogo smiled,

"Hey, Rikkun are you two fine sleeping in one bed? We only have one vacant room" Tamaki asked,

"I guess its fine." Riku answered, "How about you Iori?"

"Its no use on whining besides we're just staying here for one night" Iori said,

"Alright then" Riku said,

"We will be back for maybe a hour." Sougo said,

"See ya!" Tamaki waved goodbye as him and Sougo exited the house.

"None of this wouldn't happened if you brought a umbrella" Iori stated,

"Hah?! It's not my fault! I don't even know its going to rain!" Riku said, pouting

"But still you should've been prepared" Iori said,

Riku sighed, "Your so uncute."

"Hey, what do you think?"

"Think of what?" Iori asked,

"The thing of what Sougo-san told us" Riku said,

"Honestly, I believe half of it." Iori answered, "Besides I was born in mysteria and learn at least I few about our world, the human world and mostly the clans that once protected both worlds" he continued,

"But to think a member of the Nanase clan is sitting right infront me still shocks me from this day."

"What do you mean?" Riku asked,

"Your clan got wiped from the war, Nanase-san. "Iori answered,

"Wha-what do you mean? Didn't Sougo-san mentioned that the Tsukumo clan was defeated?"

"Yes they did, but in the progress a lot of them lost their lives." Iori said, "They used some kind of powerful boom that not just their killed enemies, but the destroy the barrier too."

"Technically not all Osaka-san told us is true. The Sunohara clan fixed the barrier all by themselves. " Iori added, 

"Then.. why didn't you say anything earlier?" Riku asked,

Iori lowered his head, "I was afraid.. to remember it all" he said, "Because I was there when the war happened.. I saw everything"

"That must've been scary... I am very sorry for bringing this topic in the first place" Riku apologized,

"It's alright, there's no need to apologize."

"Are you sure? You look sad.. should I sing for you to cheer you up?" Riku said,

Iori laughed, "Your a kind and genuine person, Nanase-san, but you don't have to. I'm seriously fine."

"Don't worry! Once we returned home tomorrow I will be cooking pancakes for you!" Riku smiled,

Iori sighed, "You won't listen do you?" He said, "Wait pancakes..? What are those?"

"You never have one?"Riku asked,

Iori nodded,

"Then I'll make sure to cook the best pancakes for you! Trust me it's really good!" Riku exclaimed,

"Sure, as long as you don't poison me"Iori said,

"Hey! Are you mocking my cooking skills?!"

"Maybe I am, and maybe I don't"

Riku's eyebrow twitched in irritation, "Your so annoying.." he muttered,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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