#Feather 5

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"Thank you much for letting us stay Tamaki!" Riku said,

"It's nothing Rikkun" Tamaki replied,

"Ah! And thank you too...um"

"Osaka Sogo, it's nice too meet you Riku-kun"Sogo answered,

Riku nodded back,

They where so glad Tamaki and Sogo found them. Riku and Iori would ended up staying the whole night in the bus stop or if the rain stops they would return back home on midnight. Sogo was nice enough to even let them eat dinner with him and Tamaki. The only problem is, it's extremely spicy.

Riku and Iori didn't complain at all since they are just guest here. They can't just complain of how the food is spicy. It will either hurt Sogo's feelings or even kick them out instead. They also noticed Tamaki almost in tears as he keeps eating.

"Hey Rikkun cough cough" Tamaki called, as he coughs due to the spicyness. "So who is this with you? I never seen him here before."

"Oh his, Iori!" Riku said. He elbowed Iori almost causing Iori too let go over his bowl orf soup. Iori let out a irritated what

"Introduce yourself!" Riku whispered to him, "Do I look like I'm Izumi Iori?"

Iori sighed, "I'm Izumi Iori, I lived from Myste-
Tokyo. I just moved here a week ago." He answered,

"Is that so.." Sogo said,

Iori nodded,

"So your not aware this town is cursed?" Sogo asked,

Iori was confused. This town cursed? How? "Um no" he replied,

"Ahahahaha! Sou-chan that's so funny!" Tamaki said laughing nervously. "It's nothing, it's nothing! Sou-chan is only joking ahahaha..."

"Tamaki-kun please don't interfere. Do I look like I'm joking?" Sogo said with a sweet yet sinister smiled. Making Tamaki and the two shiver from the sudden aura came out of Sogo.

"Not this again..." Tamaki muttered, Sou-chan they shouldn't know about this

"So how was this town cursed Sogo-san?"Riku asked, 

"Aren't you a part of the Nanase clan? You should have know about this." Sogo said, "But I guess it's their decision to hide it from you and your brother."

"Eh? What's so special about my last name?" Riku asked,

"It's for you to find out. I don't have the answer to your question" Sogo said, "Anyways If I'm not wrong your a phoenix aren't you, Iori-kun?"


"Then I'm right aren't I?"

Iori nodded, he was confused. How could a simple human know his a phoenix? Riku is an exception since he saw him with his wings when he was shot by a hunter, but Sogo? He wouldn't know that so easily. Phoenix are hard to be identify if they take a human form or any kind of animal.

"Sou-chan enough with that questions. You already know there identity, so why do you have to asked?" Tamaki said, "My stomach is craving for dessert for a while now so hurry up!"

"I just have to make sure. Your pudding could wait this is a important matter." Sogo said,

Tamaki pouted, "Fine then"

"Well then let's get on with this."

11 years ago the human world and mythical creatures was connected. Phoenix, kitsune's and any other mythical creatures. Other creatures are harmless and kind and some are mean and gruesome.

Most likely demons.

They terrorize the village as soon as daylight is gone. They devour humans and other's turned humans into demons.

To stop this problem once in for all. Mythical creatures along with humans made a barrier to prevent demons from entering the human world.

There are clans who are asigned to protect the barrier in the human world. Those are Nikaido clan, Nanase clan, Tsukumo clan, Rokuya clan, and the Sunohara clan. They have the power to open the barrier and supposedly go in and out to the world of mythical creatures named 'Mysteria'.

Some clans are asigned to be watchers. They are similar from the ones assigned as protectors of the barrior. There the second hand of protectors. They watch the barrier in every 3 years. These clans are trained to use weapons like katana, swords, daggers and any other weapons.

Me and Tamaki-kun are a apart of the clans who hold informations and serve as guiders for other clans.

Though there are some clans who have the ability to use powers and can transfrom as mythical creatures. Thats are your clan Riku-kun and the Sunohara clan.

And there are other more clans assigned with different duties.

Everything is going great until the Tsukumo clan planned to rule over the world. They slay several clans until it only leaves to 5 clans.

The remaining clans protected the barrier at all cost from the Tsukumo clan to prevent from entering Mysteria and kill most of the mythical creatures and took their power.

The Tsukumo clan had find a way after 6 years of research and experimentation to take powers from mythical creatures and steal powers from other clans.

While the war is on going the barrier had crack and demons started terrorizing in different places in japan once again.

The Nanase and Sunohara clan with all their might cast a spell to fix the barrier and to defeat the Tsukumo clan ones in for all.

The spell for the barrier had failed, resulting the human world to be separeted with Mysteria. Though the Tsukumo clan was defeated.

Till now the remaining demons that didn't get slayed is still wondering around this world. The clans who are suppose to protect the people from demons have abandoned their duties while the other clan's are still fighting.

People have forgotten about the war that happen before. So demons to them are just jokes. Some still believes in them, but to afraid to open up to other people.

Becareful while wondering in the night Riku-kun, Iori-kun. Even so your ability is powerful Iori-kun there are still demons who are more powerful than you think.

There are several deaths of people found in the woods that had been devored by some creature. I don't expect to you two to believe me at all. It's your decision if you do so.


A/N: I have nothing to say

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