Welcome to Oswego

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Hey, you don't really know me but for now you can call me Robyn. I'm just your average college girl currently attending SUNY Oswego, trying to get my degree like everyone else here.

Let me give you a little bit of information about Oswego. SUNY Oswego is located in upstate New York in the town of Oswego, right below Lake Ontario. It is a nice little town with not much to do and it doesn't help that it's pretty much winter all year round. "So what do you do for fun?" you're probably asking. Well besides going to parties, getting high off my ass and dancing the night away, I'm either in my room playing video games, making art or out seeing what this schools sex scene is all about. Now as innocent as most people at this school seems you won't believe the kind of freaky ass people that I've come across in my short time here on this campus.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not entirely here to just run around banging everybody on campus. Originally I was looking for a relationship but I got tired of running into fuckboys who just play with my emotions so they can get in my pants. So now I'm kinda like "Fuck it." If you can't beat them join them, am I right? So now I'm on a journey of casual sex and random hookups until I can find my perfect laker.

I hope you all enjoy the stories of my sexcapades.

Oswego SexploitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora