Chapter Two

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Authors Note | 80s Chick
Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed Chapter One! You'll find that this follows the movie, but obviously with Erica as a new character. With her it will change the plot of the book slightly, but fear not, most of the parts from the movie will stay the same! Enjoy :)

I do not own "The Goonies"


Well lets just say what mouth was translating was not what mrs walsh was saying. When they walked back downstairs I heard Rosalita say "I'm in a crazy house" in spanish. God what did he say to her!

"Thanks for doing that Clark" says Mrs walsh.
"Not a problem, glad to help" he says with a grin.
"Anyways, Rosalita and I have to go to the store and get some groceries. We will be back in a hour and I want that mess cleaned up in the meantime" she says pointing to the crushed crisps laying on the table and carpet.
"No problems mom" says mikey with a smile.

They leave through the broken screen and shut the glass door behind them.

"Hey can we go have a look in the attic?" Asks mouth.
"Nah, thats filled with dads stuff from his job as the assistant curly" says mikey shaking his head.
"Its curator dumbass and dad doesnt like people up there. That stuff is really old!" Says brand rolling his eyes.
"All the more to check it out!" Says mouth smirking.
"Dont you dare mouth" says brand pointing to him.
"Try stop me" he says breaking into a sprint towards the stairs.

Everyone bolts for the stairs but he was too quick...gosh he can move! We reach the attic and a sight to behold fell upon my eyes...apart from the stink of years old dust! Everything you can think of is in this attic. The boys had found some old pirate hats and swords and put them on.

"Guys take those off! Seriously if were caught up here, dad will kill me!" Says mikey.
"Cmon, have a little fun" says chunk.
"Mikey, dad's at work and mums shopping. No one will know were up here!" Says brand, suddenly changing his mind as he checks out all the cool antiques.

I start to look around and find a giant frame. I wiped the glass and my eyes lit was a map, but how to get it out?

"Chunk?" I say.
"I didnt touch it!" He says sounding worried.
"I know you didnt touch it, get over here" I say chuckling.
"What?" He says.
"Hold this for me" i say as i hand him the frame.
"Gee Eric I wouldn't let me hold this!" He says starting to get the shakes.

As this is happening, I'm counting down. Sure enough as I suspected, chunk dropped the frame and the glass shattered.

"What you got there?" Asks mikey.
"Eric found a map!" Says chunk looking over my shoulder.
"Woah, thats our coastline and check out the date...1632!" Says mikey pointing to the bottom of the map.
"Whats all that spanish junk right there?" Asks Brand pointing to different parts of the map.
"Eric you're good at translating!" Says mikey giving my shoulder a shove.
"Its says 'Ye intruders beware, crushing death and grief, soaked with blood of the trespassing thief" I say cringing.
"Guys that map is old news! I mean everybody went looking for that when our parents were our age. Haven't you heard of him. Whats his name? The pirate willy!" Says brand behind us.
"One-eyed willy! He was the most famous pirate of his time, my dad told me all about him once!" Mikey says getting all excited.
"Dad will do anything to get you to go to sleep" says brand shaking his head.
"No. See, one-eyed willy stole a treasure once and it was full of rubies and emeralds and diamonds! He loaded it up onto his ship and sailed away into the sunset. Until the British king found out about it and sent out his whole armada to go after him. It took them a couple of weeks, but they finally catch up with Willy. Then there was this whole big war between the armada and willy's ship, the inferno. During the firefight, there were guns bursting here and cannons bursting there. Then willy fled because he knew hed get killed if he stayed around. Then he got into this cave and the british blew up the walls around him. He got caved in and hes been there ever since...trapped!" Says mikey smiling.
"You sound just as corny as dad does!" Says brand chuckling.
"My dad tells the truth. You know what he said? He said one-eyed willy and his bunch were down there for years digging all these tunnels and caves. And setting booby traps, so anybody who tried to get in would die. Then he killed all his men, so that they wouldn't get his treasure!" Says mikey.
"Wait a minute, if he killed all his men, how did the map and the story get out?" Asks chunk.
"My dad says one of the guys must have gotten out with the map..." says mikey.
"Hey mikey, I believe you" says chunk getting up.

As he walks away, his foot catches something. It was another frame.

"What did you break this time chunk?" Asks brand.
"Hey you guys, look at this! Have you ever heard of this guy...chester copperpot? Look what it says. 'Chester copperpot, missing while in pursuit of local legend. Reclusive scavanger claims i have the key to one-eyed willy" Says chunk as he reads the newspaper article.
"Wow, you guys realise what we could do?" Says mikey, his eyes lighting up.
"Nobody ever found nothing. Why would this map be here in this attic, when it could be in some safety deposit box, right?" Says brand frowning.
"Right, if chester copperpot couldn't find it, how would we be able to find it?" Says data.
"But what if? Guys, what if this map can lead to one-eyed willy's rich stuff? We wouldnt have to leave the goon docks!" Says mikey.
"Cmom mikey i dont want to go on anymore of your goonie adventures!" Says chunk getting up...the doorbell just rang.
"Where are you going, dont you want to do this?" Says mikey to the others backs.
"Cmon, grab the map and the doubloon, lets go" I say to mikey with a smile.
"I knew I could count on you eric!" He say smiling.
"Well its our last weekend together, why not make the most of it huh!" I say getting up and walking down the stairs.

Authors Note | 80s Chick
The map had been found...let the adventure begin!
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Goonies Never Say Die! [A Goonies Fan-Fic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora