Chapter 2: Sweet Blood

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Carlisle's instinct to save people kicked in and he was already running with all of us following behind. If there were other witnesses, we want to be there to control the situation. It would only take us a few minutes to get there anyway.

"Do you think that was a plane that exploded?" Rosalie thought aloud.

Even though we were running a few feet apart, we can still hear each other clearly.

"Unlikely. The altitude is too low. Probably a helicopter" Jasper contemplated but still had doubts. No airplane or helicopter could explode like that, and besides, we would have noticed if there were was an aircraft that passed by. All we could think of was a bomb being thrown in the sky judging from the strength of that blast. It was a good thing that this place was far away from civilization and it would take at least a few hours for anyone to arrive, just enough time for us to get away.

We arrived at the location but we were too late. In front of us was a huge crater caused by the impact of the fall at least 15 feet deep and all covered in smoke.

The smoke was still blocking the view but that didn't stop us from clearly seeing the figure lying at the center of the scene. The half side of her clothes was destroyed but she was wearing a black bodysuit that hugged tightly on her body and was remarkably undamaged. Her fair skin was covered with dirt and her long black hair was in disarray with some of the strands covering her heart shaped face.

Before I could make any further assessment, the wind blew in my direction and her scent hit me like the force of the explosion that brought her here to this moment.

For all my eighty seven years as a vampire, no one came close to her scent. A hundred times sweeter than anything or anyone I've ever smelled, the monster inside me was growling in anticipation to quench that thirst and satisfy that burning in my throat. I could already see it. How easy a prey. It was just a matter of jumping to that pit, finding her throat and drinking all of her.

"Edward! No! Emmett! Grab him! Jazz, move away from here now!" Alice's words were in a rush but I wasn't paying any attention. My mouth was already filled with venom and I instantly coiled my body, getting ready for the kill.

Strong hands suddenly grabbed my arms and pinned it to my back.

I didn't bother to know who it was. All that mattered now was that I needed to satisfy the monster inside me. I wanted to savor that flavor, to taste every last drop of that elixir that is her blood.

"Edward." Someone was calling me from my side. I tried to break free but the hold was too strong. I can feel other hands on my shoulders trying to keep me down.

C'mon bro! Snap out of it! Get a grip of yourself!

It was Emmett, he was the strongest in the family and he was trying his best to keep me from moving. If we were ordinary humans, bones could have already been broken by the strength that we were exerting.

I needed to break away. I need to drink. I need her blood.

Someone blocked my view from my soon-to-be victim.

"Son..." The voice was strong and I growled instinctively escaped from my mouth in response.

I looked up and met Carlisle's golden eyes, those eyes that proved how we were different from our kind. How we chose to be different by not killing humans.

Edward. Please son, be strong. You can do this.

I saw myself from Carlisle's eyes and mind. The face that I saw was unrecognizable. It was the face of a monster and it snapped me back to my senses.

I looked around my family. Jasper was a few feet away from us. He was still new to the vegetarian lifestyle and I could see that he was struggling as well but Alice was there beside him keeping him in control.

Emmett still had my hands pinned. Rosalie and Esme were each holding my shoulder to keep me from moving.

I could still smell her delicious blood and my neck stiffened. I held my breath and cut off my senses since I didn't really need to breathe to stay alive. As irritating it was to be deprived of my senses, I had to do it if I want to keep the monster from coming out. I will not give in.

Carlisle saw the change in my expression and his face was filled with relief and understanding.

Do you need to go?

I gave a slight nod.

"It's okay Emmet, Rose, Esme. Let him go."

The two women moved away immediately and Emmett, although hesitated, eventually let go but stayed rooted to the spot in case I would do anything stupid.

I stared once more at my father and there was no judgment on his face and on his mind. He looked even apologetic. He thought this would have never happened if he hadn't made the first move to come here.

"I'm sorry Edward but if you must go, we will not stop you. Do whatever you need to do. I know you can get through this. I believe in you."

But I couldn't even believe in myself anymore.

Instead of saying it out loud and try explaining my behavior to them, I turned and ran.

I needed to get away as far as I can. Not just to get away from the temptation but to get away from the shame that I was feeling. I showed weakness in front of my family and not only that, I loathed myself for thinking about attacking my family just to get to her.

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