"But I could've been more cautious, especially when she mentioned that she had a feeling something bad might happen tonight. And look what happened? I should've fucking listened to her." I punched the window, but I didn't feel any pain.

Ally let out a shriek and Ian unintentionally made the car skid down the road.

"Chill bro, you-"

"How the fuck do you expect me to chill the fuck down when my girl has been kidnapped huh?" I was livid, whole body shaking.

He immediately apologized. I felt a tinge of guilt for pouring my anger out on them but I can't let that get in the way on finding Cass.

Who kidnapped her? Where did they take her?

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Cassisy's POV

It was pitch black, my head's pounding and it felt so heavy. I don't even know what happened.

"Where am I?" I croaked out, mouth dry.

"The sleeping beauty has awaken," a familiar voice rung out behind me.

I tried to turn around, but wasn't able to because my body was tied against something, something that felt like a chair.

"Who are you? Let me go." I tried to yank my wrist from the ties but it was too tight.

"You don't remember me?" A mocking hurt voice replied.

"No and don't want to know, now let me go." I repeated, heart beating frantically wild.

"I'm your boyfriend's bestfriend," the man with familiar brown chesnut hair showed up in front of me with a sinister smile.


Holy shit, Cameron's killer.

"What do you want from me? What did I even do to you?" I felt the tears building up and a lump forming at the back of my throat.

"Well, let's see. First off, you've been a bad daughter to your daddy dearest. Second, you're pretty and I wanna have some fun with you, also because you're the girlfriend of Cameron's brother." He smirked as he walked towards me.

"W-why me?" I stuttered feeling beads of cold sweat trickling down my neck.

He just let out a chuckle that creeped me out. He was mere inches away from me and I'm violently shaking with panic. I tried to lift the chair backwards which only got my weight collapsing to the cold hard floor.

I was lifted up bu Adam yanking my hair upwards which made me shout in pain and fear just like what I felt that time when he almost raped me.

"You don't fucking try and run away form me you got that?" He spat out venomously.

I was trembling in fear that I can't even answer. He lifted his rough calloused hands and slapped my cheek, the familiar stinging pain brought tears to my eyes.

"Do you hear me?" He shouted loudly making me flinch.

I nodded shakily.

"Such a waste though, a naïve sweet girl would be gone because she's with the wrong man." He sighed mockingly, feigned disappointed.

At this point you can hear my whimper echo across the room, and I didn't even notice until now that this is the basement of our house.

"My lovely daughter is awake, what a lovely surprise." I heard the voice of the man that gives me goosebumps.

My dad kidnapped. Why haven't I thought of this awhile ago? This fact can't sink in, it won't sink in.

"How have you been darling?" My dad showed up with a big smile on his face.

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