Chapter 2: Argument

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I'm back, like I said I don't wanna forget about this book. Please enjoy~!! ;)

Knightwalker's Pov: 

Today I was training my troops. Like I always do. I really enjoy being out in the field. 

Today I was teaching them about shooting. Since has no more magic, we have to use guns now and honestly guns seem fine, but I prefer my ten commandments.

Everything was going well if I'm being honest.

"Captain Knightwalker." A voiced called out to me and I gripped my teeth in angry. It was going well till we were interrupted by Coco.

I sighed and turned to face her.

"What do you want Coco? I'm busy here training." I announced. 

"Sorry to disturb you captain, but the head chairman called me to inform you to come to the council room." She said as she ran around all over the place. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to my troops. 

"Keep training men, I'll be back soon." I announced. 

"Yes ma'am!" They yelled back. 

I began to walk back with Coco to the council room. 

"What do they need me for?" I asked her.

"No idea captain, they just said it was important." She answered.

"What could possible be so important that they had to pull me out of training?" I asked myself. 

Soon we finally arrived at the council room and I was greeted by the head chairman. 

"Ah, captain Knightwalker, splendid to see you." 

"Likewise chairman." I said back. 

"Thank you Coco, you are dismissed. 

She bowed as she took her leave and left me alone with the chairman. 

"Why am I here?" I asked getting straight to the point. 

"Well, captain, you know how the council has been telling the king that he need to choose a personal guard?" I nodded my head. "Well, today he came to me and requested that you become his personal guard." He announced. 

"Wait! What!?" I asked. 

"The king requested that you...." 

"No! Don't say it again!!" I yelled. He sighed. "Why me??" 

"Well, his majesty came to a very good point that you will protect him no matter what and that with you by his side he will not be harmed." He said. 

"Wait, the king decided that I should become his guard?" I asked. 

"Well, yes and if you have any questions, comments, or anything you need to know, feel free to ask the king, the it's already settled that you will be his personal guard." He finished. 

I gripped my teeth and stormed out of the council room and headed towards the king's office. I have a bone to pick with him. 

Mystogan's Pov: 

I smiled to myself as a hum a song in my head, as I was filling out my paperwork.

"Oh Erza, I can't wait till you become my personal guard. Then I can finally confess my feeling to her." I said to myself. 

I continued to work, then sudden the door burst open and walked in Erza. 

A bright smiled appeared on my face as I was about to talk, but she slammed the door shut and marched right up to my desk. 

"Why the hell did you tell the council that you wanted me to be your personal guard?!" She yelled in my face as saliva was coming out of her mouth and landing on my face. 

"Well," I wiped my face off with a tissue. "I need to make sure I'll be safe." I said with a smile. 

"Oh, couldn't you have picked anyone else? Like seriously, even Hughes or Sugarboy will be better then me, wanna know why?" She asked. 

"Why?" I asked confused. 

"Cause they're men. You know, cause I know the only reason why you want me to be your personal guard is for you can get me in bed and, let me just say king that it will never happen." She explained. 

I thought to myself, well I just wanna confess my feelings to her, and get some kisses maybe, and then get into bed with her, not right away. Geez, why does everyone think I'm a horny king that just wants sex?

I cleared my throat and began to speak as I was fighting my blush for showing up on my face. 

"No, I just want to be safe. I know it's been a couple of months since I took the throne and became king, so I long sooner or later, there might be an attack. I just wanna be safe from any attacks and I know you'll protect me." I said. 

Knightwalker's Pov: (Sorry I messed up on who's pov: it was) 

"Oh really, so me being your guard for protection is the only reason why you want me watching over you?" I asked seriously. 

"Yes." He answered with a straight face and his eyes looking straight into mine. That's how I know he's telling the truth.

"Alright, well, then. I guess I'll see you later then." I said as I walked towards the door. 

"Wait, where are you going?" He asked quickly. 

"Well, I'll see you tonight for dinner, cause I ain't watching you now. I'm gonna go cool off before you find my hands wrapped around your throat cause your seriously pissing me off!" I yelled as I slammed the door leaving him alone. It won't kill him till I start watching over him tomorrow. 

Mystogan's Pov: 

I sighed to myself as Erza left. I know that truth means looking into the eyes, but it's a good thing that I'm such a good liar. 

At least now, I can start planning on how I'm gonna tell her my feelings and make a move. Hopefully she'll accept my feelings. 

Knightwalker's Pov: 

I stormed out of the king's office and headed to my chambers. I collapse in bed and stared up at the ceiling. 

I can't believe this. I sighed. Then something struck me. 

"Wait, doesn't the king know that his personal guard also has to train him?" I asked myself. 

I smirked appeared on my face. I'll be back to training the troops in no time, once the king realizes that I'm to much for him to handle he'll get someone else to guard him. 

Cause I'm gonna train him to the bone. He'll be begging me to go back. 

I laughed to myself. 

Tomorrow is gonna be fun, for me at least. 

To Be Continued: 

Well, thank you guys for reading. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far!! ;) 

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