~A Familiar Face~

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[Iowa] "M..Minnesota?"

-TIME SEPTEMBER 3, 2003. 3:30 PM-
-Minnesota POV-

"How..HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME??" I shouted at the trembling stranger I had found in my little land.

"Minnesota! How are you alive? Why do you look different..?" He asked, disregarding my question.

"I asked you a QUESTION." I answered firmly.

"Yo-...You dont remember..?" Tears welled up in his eyes. "We were be-st friends!" He whispered in a soft tone. I kinda felt bad. But I shouldn't. I dont know the guy. Or at least I dont think I dont.

"Sorry to break it to ya, but I dont give a sh!t-" a muffled voice was heard. "Who's there?" I yelled, still holding on tight to.."Iowa's" arm.




"Wake up"

"F#CK OFF!" I screamed. Iowa next to me was now shaking.


"You dont get to speak!" I interrupted. He relaxed a little, coming to terms with what was happening. "You're coming with me." I dragged him over to a hollowed out tree hut I found. The tree's trunk was freakishly huge, and had a giant gaping hole reaching from the ground to about two feet above my head, in a triangle formation. I walked in, with the smaller one walking next to me. I threw him to the ground in the hut, which obviously took him by surprise. The stupid blush on his face had finally dissapeared after doing so.

"Now, tell me EXACTLY why you where wandering in my land," I demanded. He seemed to ponder for a moment.

"..I was just lost..I didnt realize this..area was..yours. What happened to you? You used to be so bright and funny! You used to light up the entire room with your smile! Yo-" he broke down into tears. I will say this surprised me. I bent down next to him and grabbed his shoulder, and leaned him next to the wall. I forced him to look at me with his teary blue and red eyes.

"I what?" I stated in a calm tone, as more of a command. Once he calmed down, he looked at himself and back to me.

"Y-ou were..our star of the north," he said with a weak, sad little smile. His smile is cute. Then it hit me. Like a gunshot to the head.

"AGH! What the-?"

"Hey! Get your dirty hands OFF OF HER!"

"Its all my fault-"

"The United States are now at war with the Confederate States over slavery and-"


"I'm F.I.N.E"

"G-Goodbye, New York. T-Tack så my-cket..for everything."

I had a burning headache come along with these memories. So much pain. I'm on fire. The scars make sense now.

"M..Minn? Are you okay??" I heard Iowa say beside me. It was muffled because I was kneeling on the ground covering my ears. Then, everything stopped. I looked up from the ground to meet Iowa's gaze. The only sound in the room was the soft ringing in my ear. "Minn..?"


"Are you okay?" I didnt answer. All the flashbacks were a lot to take in. I got up from the ground and lent a helping hand to my friend. I instantly pulled him into a hug and cried into his shoulder. We both fell to our knees.

"IM S-SO SORRY!" I screamed.

"No no, its okay.." I felt his hand make little circular motions on my back. I sensed he was confused by my sudden outbreak of emotions. I calmed myself down and forced my gaze to meet Iowa's. "You're okay." That was all he said.

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